Welcome to the DoubleClick QA Certification Exam Program
Part 1 – Practical Exam
Test three ads using our Creative preview tool, and identify functionality, spec, and tracking issues with the test ads.
1.) Test the expanding functionality of the creative, then select the appropriate statement.
- A) The ad doesn’t collapse, but the div layer collapses.
- B) The ad doesn’t collapse.
- C) The ad collapses, but the div layer stays open.
- D) Both the ad expand panel and the div layer collapse.
2.) Which version of the Expanding component is being used?
- A) v1.7.0
- B) v1.6.37
- C) v2.1.1
- D) v2.2.0
3.) Which of the following statements best match the creative’s expansion timer function?
- A) Rich Media expansions don’t stop when the ad expands.
- B) Rich Media expansions don’t start when the ad expands.
- C) Rich Media expansions don’t stop when the ad collapse.
- D) Rich Media expansions don’t start when the ad expands.
4.) Test the collapse functionality of the creative, and select the appropriate statement below:
- A) When clicking the Close Button, the ad doesn’t collapse.
- B) The Close Button is missing on the collapse panel.
- C) When clicking the Close Button, the ad doesn’t expand.
- D) The Close Button is missing on the expand panel.
5.) Identify issues related to functionality:
- A) 1, 2, 4, 5
- B) 1, 4, 6, 7
- C) 3, 5, 6, 7
- D) 2, 3, 5, 6
- If you replay the video after 10 seconds of autoplay time, the ad won’t auto collapse. There’s no other option to manually collapse the ad.
- If you don’t interact with the banner, it will auto-expand and auto-collapse by itself.
- This creative doesn’t function in Internet Explorer.
- The mute button in the pre-expanded panel doesn’t function.
- This creative doesn’t have a polite load.
- The div layer doesn’t collapse when the pre-expand panel auto-collapse.
- You can still hear audio after collapsing the ad.
6.) Identify the event tracking issues:
- A) 2, 5, 6, 7
- B) 1, 3, 4, 7
- C) 1, 3, 6, 7
- D) 2, 3, 4, 6
- Custom_Timer_User_Expand doesn’t stop on collapse.
- Custom_Timer_Auto_Expand doesn’t stop on auto-collapse.
- Custom_Exit_Click_To_See_More Exit event doesn’t track when clicking on the “Click to see more” exit link.
- Custom_Counter_Collapse doesn’t track upon collapse.
- Custom_Counter_Video_Auto_replay Counter doesn’t track when you replay the video in the pre-expanded panel.
- Custom_Timer_Video_User doesn’t stop counting on collapse while video is playing.
- Custom_Counter_Video_User_unmute doesn’t track when you unmute the video.
7.) Identify issues related to the LCD/spec:
- A) 2, 5, 6
- B) 1, 3, 4
- C) 2, 3, 4
- D) 1, 3, 6
- The video auto-plays with audio enabled during the pre-expansion phase. DoubleClick recommends user-initiated audio.
- Pre-expansion auto-collapse after 20 seconds DoubleClick recommends that pre-expansions collapse after 15 seconds.
- The ad is mouseover to expand, click to close. DoubleClick recommends having the same expansion and collapse methods.
- The initial load of this creative is above 50KB. DoubleClick recommends implementing polite loading functionality to prevent the risk.
- No close button on pre-expand, but appears on click to expand. DoubleClick recommends having a close button on all expanded panels.
- Creative doesn’t collapse on click-through of the call-to-action (CTA) on the expanded panel. DoubleClick recommends collapsing the creative upon click-through.
8.) Identify issues related to functionality:
- A) 1, 2, 5
- B) 1, 4, 6
- C) 2, 5, 6
- D) 2, 3, 6
- The div layer doesn’t collapse when you close the ad.
- The video 3 pause button doesn’t work.
- Replay on video 1 does not replay the video.
- The content of the gallery panel is being displayed over the story panel.
- When switching from video 2 to video 3 with audio on, both videos play at the same time with audio.
- This creative expands on click but not on mouseover.
9.) Identify the event tracking issues:
- A) 2, 3, 4, 7
- B) 1, 5, 6, 7
- C) 4, 5, 6, 7
- D) 1, 2, 5, 6
- Click to see more exit counter does not track when you click through.
- Custom_timer_video_2 doesn’t stop when you click on stop, pause, or other videos/panels.
- Custom_counter_video_1_play counter doesn’t track.
- Expanded expansion timer doesn’t stop upon collapse.
- The Video panel counter doesn’t track when you navigate to the panel.
- Custom_counter_video_2_complete tracks when you complete video 3.
- Photo gallery panel tracks the story panel timer.
10.) Identify issues related to the LCD/spec:
- A) 2, 3, 6
- B) 1, 5, 6
- C) 1, 3, 4
- D) 2, 4, 5
- This creative doesn’t have polite loading. It’s recommended to have a polite load on creatives that exceed 30KB.
- Creative has mouseover to expand and click to close. It should have the same expansion and collapse methods.
- Video 3 is over 5MB in size. It’s best to have a smaller size, as larger videos may be on additional cost for some publishers.
- Clicking through the expanded panel doesn’t collapse the creative. It’s best to have the creative collapse on click through.
- Autoplay video starts with audio on. It’s best for audio to be user-initiated.
- Intro video exceeds 30 seconds in autoplay time. It’s recommended for video not to exceed 30 seconds during autoplay.
Part 2 – Multiple Choice
Answer questions about the Studio UI, revisions, and recommendations.
11.) How can you determine if a creative is ready for QA approval?
- A) The creative is in ‘Published’ status.
- B) The creative is in ‘In development’ status.
- C) The creative is in ‘QA rejected’ status.
- D) The creative is in ‘Trafficked’ status.
12.) How would you send an external preview link within the Studio UI?
- A) In the Creatives tab, click the Preview tab, then click on ‘Display options.’
- B) Navigate to the campaign, click the Publish Tab, and then publish to QA.
- C) Navigate to the account and click on ‘Email preview link.’
- D) In the Creative tab, navigate to the campaign name and click on ‘Email preview link.’
13.) How can you preview the details of each file within a creative?
- A) Under the ‘Edit events’ tab at the creative level.
- B) In the ‘Creative details’ section of the ‘Show details’ console in Preview.
- C) Click the ‘Information’ button at the campaign level.
14.) Which of the following is not a reason to reject an expanding creative?
- A) Backup image on this creative has a call-to-action (cta) that says “click here to expand.”
- B) Intro animation exceeds 15 seconds and may not meet publisher specs.
- C) ‘Click to expand’ counter doesn’t track when you click to expand.
- D) All of the above.
15.) If a user were to pause a video, which of the following counter and timers should be tracking in the output console?
- A) The video stop counter should trigger, and the video view timer should stop counting.
- B) The video pause counter should track, and the video stop counter should track.
- C) The video timer should stop counting, and the video pause counter should track.
- D) The video pause counter should track, and the video view timer should not counting.
16.) Please select the issue that would not be considered a reason for QA rejection:
- A) Backup image has a call-to-action (cta) to interact with the creative.
- B) The creative has a polite load of 30k and a secondary file load for 70k for its initial load.
- C) CPU utilization spikes to 100% every time the creative is being displayed.
- D) An expandable creative is uploaded to Studio as an In-page.
17.) Which of the following is best practice for Rich Media video ads?
- A) All videos should have fullscreen functionality.
- B) All audio should be click-initiated.
- C) Autoplay video can play up to 1 minute.
- D) Autoplay video should play with audio on.
18.) Which of the following are Standard Interaction Metrics for a creative that is using the DoubleClick Expanding component?
- A) Rich Media Expanded – Timer, and Rich Media Collapsed – Counter.
- B) Rich Media Close button – Counter, and RM Expanding – Timer.
- C) Close Ad – Counter, and Expand Time – Timer.
- D) Rich Media manual closes – Counter, and Rich Media expansions – Timer.
19.) When you traffic a creative from Studio to DCM, you must have a:
- A) Creative associated with a DCM account and the creative must be Published
- B) Creative associated with a DCM account and the creative must be In Development.
- C) Campaign associated with a DCM account and the creative must be QA Approved.
- D) Creative that is QA Approved and not associated with a DCM account.
20.) Which of the following is not a reason to reject an expanding creative?
- A) The ad expands upon mouseover, but doesn’t collapse on mouse off.
- B) The expand panel doesn’t collapse on click through.
- C) The close button triggers an exit URL and doesn’t collapse the creative.
- D) Rich Media Expansion timer stops counting upon collapse.
21.) According to DoubleClick Rich Media LCD specs and recommendations, which of the following statements is true?
- A) All expanding creatives should expand on click only.
- B) Recommended size for backup images is 75KB.
- C) Recommended initial load is 60KB.
- D) All expanding creatives should have a close button.
22.) In the Output console of Studio, what is the difference between Event log and Event summary (output console)?
- A) Event log displays the file details within the ad.
- B) Event summary displays the campaign information.
- C) Event summary logs custom and standard events, whereas events logged shows run time logs for cumulative custom and standard events.
- D) Event log shows real time data, whereas events triggered displays events that tracked once.
Part 3 – True/False
Find the correct choice among possible answers provided.
23.) A creative should be rejected if it doesn’t adhere to the site specifications provided by a publisher or client.
- A) True
- B) False
24.) If site specifications aren’t provided by a publisher or client, it’s not recommended to follow the DoubleClick Rich Media best practices and LCDs.
- A) True
- B) False
25.) Testing all event metrics within the QA Console and making sure they are tracking as designed allows for consistent reporting of all user-interaction within that creative.
- A) True
- B) False
26.) If you are testing a Floating ad, it’s best that the ad is uploaded to Studio as an expanding ad.
- A) True
- B) False
27.) If a creative you are testing is using out-of-date Studio Components, it should be rejected for not being current.
- A) True
- B) False
28.) When testing for Studio Events, we’re looking for custom counters to count on user interaction, Exits to count on click throughs, and Timers to count on user-interaction time.
- A) True
- B) False
29.) While testing video functionality within an ad, videos that are pixelated can be QA approved, even though they’re not the best video quality. This could be due to mandatory reduction in size requested by the publisher site specs.
- A) True
- B) False
30.) DoubleClick recommends that all audio in an ad auto-play and all videos be click-initiated.
- A) True
- B) False
31.) When clicking through a creative to get to a Landing Page URL, the event type for that action is called an Exit Event within Studio.
- A) True
- B) False
32.) You can QA approve a creative once it’s in the Trafficked state.
- A) True
- B) False
Part 4 – Multiple Choice
Questions for QA’ing HTML5 ads.
33.) Which browsers support HTML5 Desktop ads?
- A) IE10, Firefox 13+, Chrome 19+, and Safari 5+.
- B) IE8, Opera 11.64, Firefox 12, Chrome 16, and Safari 5.0.
- C) IE6, Opera 11.10, Firefox 11, Chrome 18, and Safari 5.1.
- D) IE7, Opera 10.5, Firefox 10, Chrome 19, and Safari 5.1.
34.) HTML5 mobile web tracking can be verified through the following methods:
- A) Mobile device web browser only.
- B) Studio QA Console only.
- C) Desktop web browser and JavaScript Console only.
- D) Studio QA console, Desktop web browser, JavaScript Console, and mobile device web browser.
35.) What type of files should appear for HTML5 ads that include video when performing internet cache testing on a desktop browser?
- A) .swf, .fla, .flv, and .jpg.
- B) .css, .fla, .mp4, and .png.
- C) .html, .flv, .png, and .fla.
- D) .css, .png, .mp4, and .ogg.
36.) HTML5 desktop tracking can be verified through the following methods:
- A) Studio QA console and web browser JavaScript Console logs.
- B) Studio QA console only.
- C) Web browser JavaScript console logs only.
37.) When performing an HTML5 click-through on a desktop browser, which of the following should occur?
- A) A timeout should occur.
- B) A click-through URL should always open in a new window.
- C) Closing the click-through URL page shouldn’t bring the user back to the Rich Media ad and should close the ad preview.
- D) A click-through URL should always open in the same window.
38.) If an HTML5 ad containing audio plays on a desktop browser, which of the following should NOT occur?
- A) Audio should start upon playing the video ad.
- B) Video ad should play unmuted on initial load.
- C) Video ad should have an audio button if sound exists.
- D) There should be no overlapping sounds in the video ad.
39.) Which of the following do you require to test Mobile In-App ads?
- A) Studio Preview URLs, Push to Device Option in Studio, Actual Mobile Device, and Creative Preview App.
- B) Studio Preview URLs, Live Tag for Testing, Actual Mobile Device, and Supported Browsers on the Mobile Device.
- C) Live Tags only.
40.) Which format should be selected for Mobile Web ads in Studio?
- A) Flash only.
- B) Mobile In-App.
- C) Any user-defined size.
- D) Flash-in-Flash.
41.) Where can you download the Creative Preview App, which is recommended to test Mobile In-App ads?
- A) App Store on iPhone/iPad/iPod.
- B) Marketplace.
- C) Download.com.
- D) Play Store on Android Devices.
Part 5 -Multiple Choice
Questions for QA’ing Dynamic ads.
42.) To access your dynamic profile from the Studio UI, you click on the following tab:
- A) Dynamic Profile tab.
- B) Creatives tab.
- C) QA tab.
- D) Dynamic Content tab.
43.) What are the key differences between basic dynamic and advanced dynamic?
- A) Basic dynamic allows you to set rules for scheduling and remarketing.
- B) Profile fields are only used for advanced dynamic.
- C) Basic dynamic requires a feed for dynamic data.
- D) Advanced dynamic has filtering capabilities via a feed ingested in Studio.
44.) What data types can’t be used within a Dynamic profile?
- A) Text.
- B) Whole number.
- C) XML.
- D) Image.
45.) What’s the purpose of generating dynamic Flash code?
- A) Adding this code to your Flash file automatically links your creative to the dynamic data.
- B) Dynamic Flash code allows you to dynamically change your creative without making edits to the Flash file.
- C) This code enables you to associate the creative with the advertiser DCM account.
- D) This code automatically adds the dynamic component to your Flash files.
46.) When you preview a dynamic creative workflow, the ad displays the default values from which source?
- A) The draft profile.
- B) The generated code pasted into the Flash files.
- C) The published profile.
- D) The profile values in a XML file.
47.) You can select up to ____ reporting dimension(s) per creative.
- A) three
- B) one
- C) five
- D) six
48.) To make changes to a published profile, which do you create first?
- A) A new campaign.
- B) A draft.
- C) A new creative.
- D) A new profile.
49.) The DateTime data type can be used with which strategy?
- A) Open optimization.
- B) DCM ID filtering.
- C) Geo-targeting.
- D) All of the above.
50.) The first time you create a dynamic creative for an advertiser, what must you do first?
- A) Generate the ActionScript setup code for the advertiser.
- B) Upload a SWF containing the dynamic content component/class.
- C) Create a new profile.
- D) Enable the advertiser for dynamic content.
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