Hootsuite Platform Certification Exam Answers

Hootsuite Platform Certification Answers
Hootsuite Platform Certification Exam Answers
Hootsuite Certification Exam Answers
Hootsuite Platform Training Answers

The Hootsuite Platform certification course is designed and produced in consultation with social media marketing strategists and practitioners. We employ instructional design and assessment best practices to give you practical skills that can be implemented right away. Our courseware is continually updated as new products are developed, so rest assured that you’re receiving cutting edge education on the world’s most trusted social media management platform

Once you’ve mastered the course material, we encourage you to to get certified as a Hootsuite Professional, which earns you a spot in our Certified Professionals Directory, an elite group of Social Media Professionals. You’ll also receive a registered certificate which can be added to your LinkedIn profile.

The Hootsuite Platform Certification Course is comprised of two chapters and the certification exam:

  • 1: The Fundamentals of Using Hootsuite
  • 2: Advanced Uses of Hootsuite
  • 3: Hootsuite Platform Certification Exam

Chapter 1: The Fundamentals of Using Hootsuite

  1. : :
    1.1 What is Hootsuite?
    1.2 An Overview of the Hootsuite Dashboard
    1.3 How to Add a Social Network in Hootsuite
    1.4 Quiz
    1.5 Additional Reading
  2. : :
    2.1 Getting Set Up for Listening and Engagement: Tabs and Streams
    2.2 How to Find Conversations with Hootsuite Search Streams
    2.3 How to Engage with Your Audience Using Streams
    2.4 Quiz
    2.5 Additional Reading
  3. : :
    3.1 Using the Hootsuite Composer
    3.2 How to Share Content with the Hootsuite Hootlet
    3.3 Quiz
    3.4 Additional Reading
  4. :
    4.1 Scheduling Instagram Posts with Hootsuite: Mobile Notification Workflow
    4.2 Scheduling Instagram Posts with Hootsuite: Direct Publishing for Business Accounts
    4.3 How to Publish YouTube Videos Using Hootsuite
    4.4 Pinterest Publishing with Hootsuite
    4.5 Using Hootsuite to Manage LinkedIn Pages
    4.6 Quiz
    4.7 Additional Reading
  5. : :
    5.1 How to Use the Hootsuite Mobile App
    5.2 Quiz
    5.3 Additional Reading
  6. :
    6.1 How to Use the Hootsuite App Directory
    6.2 Quiz
    6.3 Additional Reading
    6.4 Next Steps

Chapter 2: Advanced Uses of Hootsuite

  1. : :
    1.1 How to Create Twitter Lists in Hootsuite
    1.2 How to Engage Your YouTube Community with Hootsuite
    1.3 Using Geo-Search to Find Relevant Conversations with Hootsuite
    1.4 Quiz
    1.5 Additional Reading
  2. : :
    2.1 Getting the Most Out of Planner
    2.2 How to Use the Hootsuite Publisher
    2.3 How to Schedule Messages in Bulk Using Hootsuite
    2.4 Using Collaborative Drafts in Hootsuite
    2.5 Using RSS Feeds in Hootsuite
    2.6 Using Vanity URLs in Hootsuite
    2.7 Link Settings in Hootsuite Composer
    2.8 Getting Started with Hootsuite Boost
    2.9 Quiz
    2.10 Additional Reading
  3. : :
    3.1 An Introduction to Hootsuite Analytics
    3.2 How to Use Reports in Hootsuite Analytics
    3.3 How to Use Post Performance in Hootsuite Analytics
    3.4 How to Share and Collaborate with Hootsuite Analytics
    3.5 Quiz
    3.6 Additional Reading
  4. : :
    4.1 Using the Hootsuite Mobile App for Team Collaboration
    4.2 Additional Reading
  5. :
    5.1 Introduction to Hootsuite Organizations and Permissions
    5.2 Quiz
    5.3 Additional Reading
  6. : ’
    6.1 Google Drive and Hootsuite
    6.2 SalesForce and Hootsuite
    6.3 Marketo and Hootsuite
    6.4 Hootsuite RSS Syndicator Pro
    6.5 ReviewTrackers and Hootsuite
    6.6 Using Brandwatch within Hootsuite
    6.7 Using Brandwatch with Hootsuite Analytics
    6.8 Hootsuite and ZeroFOX
    6.9 Talkwalker and Hootsuite
    6.10 Using Adobe Experience Manager with Hootsuite
    6.11 Next Steps

Hootsuite Platform Certification Exam

  • 60 minutes
  • 50 questions
  • 75% passing score

Disclaimer: Hootsuite trademarks are the property of Hootsuite Media Inc. This website is not officially affiliated or endorsed by Hootsuite Media Inc. in any way.

239.) Single sign on allows a network administrator to quickly revoke employee access to every tool and service in the corporate network, ensuring __________________.

  • efficient onboarding of new Super-Admins or Admins
  • a greater risk to your company’s security
  • the security of all company data once someone has left the organization
  • an open standard data format for exchanging authentication and authorization data
  • the need to maintain multiple credentials for multiple services

238.) Unlike the overview module in Hootsuite Analytics, which offers one set of aggregated analytics data, ___________________ allows you to run an unlimited number of customizable and shareable real-time analytics reports, dialed precisely to the diverse reporting needs of your organization.

  • the insights feature of Hootsuite Analytics
  • the social data feature in Hootsuite Insights
  • the boards feature within Hootsuite Analytics
  • the analytics module in Hootsuite Metrics
  • the metrics module in Hootsuite Social Data

237.) In Hootsuite Analytics, what is an advantage of sharing a board with a colleague rather than sending them a static analytics report?

  • boards analyze a team member’s Hootsuite activity (e.g., engagement and publishing) to pull out the metrics that are most valuable to them
  • boards include a qualitative analysis report indicating what you should do more of (and less of)
  • boards provide your colleagues with continuous access to real time data, whenever they want it
  • boards feature a built-in ROI calculator that grade your company’s social
  • activities relative to your defined social media objectives

236.) When setting up a geo-search stream for Twitter within Hootsuite, you can filter results by: (pick three)

  • the country from which tweets were published
  • search terms
  • a user’s profile handle
  • radius around any location
  • hashtags
  • people you follow

235.) The boards feature in Hootsuite Analytics is:

  • a fully customizable, real-time display of social metrics data
  • you undertake audience testing to determine the best ad product to purchase
  • where you set the parameters for a Hootsuite social media campaign
  • a location search stream, with geocode set for your specific location
  • where you set up user-generated content contests

234.) If you’re looking for a quick, high-level overview of common metrics such as audience growth, website traffic, and total posts, you should look at:
the overview feature in Hootsuite Metrics

  • the ‘Owl View’ in Hootsuite Insights
  • the boards feature in Hootsuite Metrics
  • the boards feature in Hootsuite Social ROI
  • the overview feature in Hootsuite Analytics

233.) When composing messages in Hootsuite, how would you make a rough draft of a message available with a team or team member for collaboration?

  • Save the message as a draft and then find it in the collaboration board with that team.
  • Publish the message to a social network, then click ‘assign to team or colleague’.
  • @Mention the team or team member in the drafted message before saving.
  • Assign the message to a social network the team or team member manages, then click ‘Save Draft’.

232.) Let’s say you draft a message in Hootsuite, but then want to create several variations of that message, without altering the original. Which of the following actions would you take?

  • Message Cascade
  • Compose Array
  • Draft Variation
  • Duplicate a Draft

231.) To begin using Hootsuite, you need to connect your social media accounts. Two areas where you can add a social network are: (pick two)

  • tools drop down menu
  • quick search
  • the compose box
  • Streams view (also known as the Engagement view).
  • account & settings / user profile

230.) Within the compose message box, there are four ways in which you can schedule messages. Which of the following is not one of the ways you can schedule a message in the compose box.

  • auto-schedule
  • view date options in your Publisher’s calendar
  • manually schedule
  • scheduling by language and region
  • bulk message uploader / bulk composer

229.) Within the Compose Box, you have 4 options for scheduling a message. Which one of the following is NOT an option for scheduling in the compose box?

  • Bulk Uploader
  • Manually schedule
  • Auto-schedule
  • Using the ‘View Date in Publisher’ button

228.) Once a YouTube video has been published, you’ll have the option to ‘Share via Hootsuite’, which:

  • allows you to quickly share the video on other channels through the composer
  • shares the video with the Hootsuite community, to help you quickly get views and boost your videos SEO
  • sends the video to other Hootsuite team members
  • places a donate CTA at the end of your video

227.) You can do all of the following actions in the Hootsuite compose box, except:

  • track character count limits for the social networks your posting to
  • schedule when your message should publish
  • search for mentions of your company name
  • pick the social profiles to which you want to publish your message
  • convert a web address into a shortened, trackable owly link

226.) When it’s time to publish an Instagram message that you’ve drafted and scheduled using Hootsuite, how does Hootsuite’s mobile app alert you that it’s time to press the publish button in the Instagram app?

  • text message
  • push notification
  • calendar reminder
  • a gentle owl hoot followed by the sound of wind blowing through the trees
  • email

225.) When selecting a campaign type in Hootsuite Campaigns, you’d use ____________________ to engage fans and acquire email leads with an attractive prize, and ____________________ to simply get people to sign up for a special event, newsletter, or special offer.

  • Social Sweepstakes; Entry Forms
  • Sign Ups; Like Gates/Age Gates
  • the Social Promotions Builder; the Social Media Campaigns Builder
  • Social Sweepstakes; Sign Ups
  • Offers; Forms

224.) When you share a board with a team member in Hootsuite Analytics, you can allow that team member to adjust the parameters of the board to fine­-tune the insights being generated. To allow for this collaboration, you must set the permission for that user to:

  • ‘Super-Admin’
  • ‘Custom’
  • ‘Can Edit’
  • ‘Default’
  • ‘Unlimited Permissions’

223.) YouTube requires ________________ to upload videos longer than 15 minutes in length.

  • users to verify their account
  • your account to have 100k+ subscribers
  • none of the options in this list
  • a paid subscription
  • you to use their native platform

222.) A board in Hootsuite Analytics has a flexible, interactive interface into which you can drag and drop an unlimited number of:

  • trendwatchers, which are pre-set displays of line charts, tables, and tree maps
  • widgets/metrics, which are individual displays of a specific metric
  • templates, which are individual displays of a specific metric
  • campaigns, each of which are targeted at a social media objective or goal
  • overviews, which are pre-set collections of metrics data

221.) Where in the dashboard would you primarily view and engage with your audience and the social media content published by others?

  • through Publisher and your content library
  • through the compose box
  • through the apps directory
  • through tabs and streams

220.) The Hootsuite bulk composer allows you to:

  • publish the same message across hundreds of social media networks at once
  • send out hundreds of personalized direct messages to your Twitter lists
  • upload up and schedule to 350 posts in a CSV file
  • generate large amounts of SEO friendly copy, based on social marketing goals
  • approve large numbers of posts composed by junior team members
  • add background music to all the YouTube videos in a playlist

219.) A vanity URL in Hootsuite is best described as:

  • a web address within a set of sub-domain names associated with certain industry segments
  • one that contains a custom domain suffix, such as .io .ly .ing .love
  • a customizable, branded URL that also lets you track click-through statistics
  • a set of re-direct links provided to your organization’s administrator by Hootsuite

218.) Conversations on Twitter move fast and it’s easy to miss the opportunity to engage with an important influencer or prospect. _____________ are a great way to group together similar people and topics in Twitter so you can focus on activity within a group without distractions.

  • Twitter lists
  • Twitter groups
  • Hootsuite groups
  • Twitter streams
  • Twitter spaces

217.) When using Hootsuite’s bulk scheduling feature, all messages must be scheduled at least _________ ahead of when you plan to import the CSV file into Hootsuite.

  • 2 hours
  • 10 minutes
  • 1 hour
  • 30 minutes

216.) To effectively promote an upcoming fundraising event, social media managers might find it helpful to employ the following advanced features of the compose box simultaneously when composing a message: (pick two)

  • create Twitter lists with high profile attendees
  • monitor analytics data for sentiment around your event
  • geo-search for mentions of your event hashtag
  • save a tweet as a draft for future re-use
  • tweet multiple images in a gallery format

215.) To effectively promote an upcoming event, social media managers can use the following advanced features of the compose box simultaneously when composing a message: (pick two)

  • tweet multiple images in a gallery format
  • save a tweet as a draft for future re-use
  • create Twitter lists with high profile attendees
  • geo-search for mentions of your event hashtag
  • monitor analytics data for sentiment around your event

214.) ___________ allow you to monitor social activity around certain keywords, phrases and even specific users or locations, and respond where appropriate.

  • Analytics
  • Internal tags
  • Plug-ins
  • Search streams
  • Comment trackers

213.) YouTube is a great source for curating interesting content for your audience. Hootsuite helps with its built in YouTube ____________ functionality to discover new videos based on keywords or key phrases. Once you’ve found great content, you can easily amplify it across your other social networks

  • search stream
  • My Content Find
  • suggested content
  • filter videos
  • content curation tab

212.) YouTube is a great source for curating interesting content for your audience. Hootsuite helps with its built in YouTube ____________. This lets you discover new videos based on keywords or key phrases.

  • search stream
  • My Content Find
  • suggested content
  • filter videos
  • content curation tab

211.) With Hootsuite’s Mobile App you can share ______________ with teams, which allows everyone to monitor the same social feed and see which messages have been responded to and by whom.

  • message approvals
  • campaigns
  • streams
  • content libraries
  • Publisher calendars

210.) To manage comments and replies for all of your YouTube channel’s videos (in Hootsuite), simply add a ________________ stream.

  • YouTube Engagement
  • moderate stream
  • published comments
  • search stream
  • comments
  • replies

209.) A content team can create a custom board in Hootsuite Analytics with widgets displaying how their content is resonating with their target audience. They could include metrics like: (pick three)

  • first response time
  • recent posts and overall post volume
  • handling time
  • clicks by country
  • # of LinkedIn status updates
  • total clicks
  • reaction topics

208.) A content team (e.g., blog team) might find it useful to create a custom board in Hootsuite Analytics with widgets displaying how the content they are producing is resonating with the target audience. Some metrics you might include on such a board are: (pick three)

  • recent posts and overall post volume
  • clicks by country
  • handling time
  • reaction topics
  • # of LinkedIn status updates
  • total clicks
  • first response time

207.) When publishing to personal Instagram accounts using Hootsuite, which steps are you able to do within the Hootsuite dashboard itself? (pick three)

  • publish the image to your Instagram account
  • include the link you’d like to publish with your image
  • schedule when your Instagram post should publish
  • select the image you’d like to publish

206.) When publishing to Instagram using Hootsuite, which steps are you able to do within the Hootsuite dashboard itself? (pick three)

  • select the image you’d like to publish
  • schedule when your Instagram post should publish
  • include the link you’d like to publish with your image
  • publish the image to your Instagram account

205.) When publishing to personal Instagram accounts using Hootsuite, there are a number of steps that can be done directly within the Hootsuite dashboard. However, this is one step that must be completed within the Instagram app itself–which is it?

  • including a shortened owly link that will accompany the post
  • compose the text you’d like to accompany the image
  • scheduling when your Instagram post should publish
  • selecting the image you’d like to publish
  • publishing the image to your Instagram account

204.) When publishing to Instagram using Hootsuite, there are a number of steps that can be done directly within the Hootsuite dashboard. However, this is one step that must be completed within the Instagram app itself–which is it?

  • including a shortened owly link that will accompany the post
  • scheduling when your Instagram post should publish
  • publishing the image to your Instagram account
  • compose the text you’d like to accompany the image
  • selecting the image you’d like to publish

203.) What feature in Hootsuite would you use to connect with potential new customers posting Instagram content in places or establishments relevant to your business?

  • a location search stream
  • geo-targeted search stream
  • the Places and Faces tab
  • advanced geo-location
  • an Instagram by-location analytic board

202.) Let’s say you’re creating a search stream in your Hootsuite dashboard, to find mentions of the phrase vacation holiday getaway. How do you ensure that the exact phrase gets searched for, rather than the individual words in the phrase?

  • @ symbol after the phrase
  • quotation marks around the phrase
  • ampersands before the phrase
  • asterisks around the phrase
  • Boolean operators after the phrase

201.) The best place to search for free (and paid) software for customizing your Hootsuite dashboard to your exact business need is called the:

  • Partner Library
  • Explore tab
  • App Directory
  • Hootsuite Impact tab
  • Hootsuite App Store

200.) What are two best practices for discovering whether a message you’ve scheduled with Hootsuite has failed to send? (pick two)

  • enable email notifications for failed messages under ‘Preferences’
  • download a ‘Past Scheduled’ report from Hootsuite Analytics, and cross-referencing
  • it with posts actually published on your social properties
  • regularly check Publisher’s ‘Rejected’ Tab
  • review the ‘Past Scheduled’ calendar view in Publisher for entries colored red

199.) Hootsuite Amplify supports an employee advocacy strategy by:

  • letting employees “upvote” content they feel should be publishing by their company
  • surfacing high engagement content that employee’s share on their personal networks
  • making it easy for employees to share approved company content to their personal social profiles
  • letting trusted employees connect their personal blogs directly into their company’s Hootsuite RSS feed
  • efficiently alerting employees to relevant internal job opportunities

198.) When creating a campaign in Enterprise Campaigns, Consult with your design team on the specific colours that are true to your company’s branding and use _________________ to select the right colour whenever possible.

  • vav values
  • the ‘Colour Auto-Select’ feature
  • hex values
  • your best judgment
  • the ‘Visual Auto-Tune’ feature

197.) Hootsuite’s mobile app lets you see all the posts you’ve scheduled and adjust publishing times to fine tune how you’re targeting your audience. You can access this functionality in the ___________ area of the app.

  • Engagement
  • Compose
  • Streams
  • Message Assignments
  • Content Library
  • Publisher

196.) Hootsuite’s mobile app lets you see all the posts you’ve scheduled and adjust publishing times to fine tune how you’re targeting your audience. You can access this functionality in the ___________.

  • Streams
  • Search and Settings
  • Compose Box
  • Publisher
  • Teams and Assignments

195.) If your goal for the coming quarter is to boost audience engagement and increase sales leads in support of the launch of a new service your company is offering. Which Hootsuite product/function would be most helpful in this context?

  • Hootsuite Campaigns
  • Hootsuite Engagement
  • Hootsuite Email Capture
  • Hootsuite Retargeting
  • Hootsuite Analytics

194.) What are some benefits to managing a YouTube channel through Hootsuite, as opposed to natively through YouTube? (pick three)

  • Hootsuite adds extra video editing and customization options.
  • Unlike YouTube, Hootsuite doesn’t restrict video size limits.
  • You can manage multiple YouTube accounts from one place.
  • You can view analytics through the YouTube Analytics app for Hootsuite.
  • You can schedule when your videos will publish.

193.) Which of the following is a reason why you would want to add a moderate stream for YouTube in your Hootsuite dashboard:

  • to limit the number of videos shown in a stream (per 24 hours) to below the threshold you define.
  • to view analytics on your YouTube channel and videos
  • to automatically flag comments that contain keywords that you’ve pre-defined in your YouTube settings
  • to vet incoming comments on your channel or specific videos by approving or deleting them
  • to curate unoffensive video content that will resonate with the broadest possible cross-section of your audience

192.) Let’s say you attach four images to a tweet in the Hootsuite Compose Box. On Twitter, the images will appear in your audience’s stream as:

  • as slideshow, which your audience can view in full-screen
  • an entry to the Image Gallery
  • a series of 4 full-size images in individual tweets
  • a collage format, with full-size images

191.) Let’s say you attach four images to accompany an important tweet that you’ve composed in the Hootsuite compose box. On Twitter, the images will appear in your audience’s stream as:

  • an entry to the image gallery
  • as thumbnails, which your audience can quickly expand at their discretion
  • a collage format, with full-size images
  • a series of 4 full-size, but individual tweets (with the tweet copy appearing above the first image of the series)

190.) Enabling notifications for your Instagram account(s) in your Hootsuite mobile app allows Hootsuite to send _____________ that notify you when scheduled Instagram posts are ready to be published.

  • owl post deliveries
  • text messages
  • email notifications
  • push notifications
  • calendar reminders

189.) Let’s say you want to monitor all the comments on a campaign YouTube video you’ve just launched. To do this, create a _______________ stream, find the campaign video, and then select ‘create comment stream’ from the ‘more actions’ list.

  • ‘YouTube Search’
  • ‘My Videos’
  • ‘Playlist’
  • ‘Geo-search’
  • Review Later

188.) Let’s say you want to monitor all the comments on a campaign YouTube video you’ve just launched. To do this, create a _______________ stream, find the campaign video, and then select ____________ from the ‘more actions’ list.

  • playlist; see comments
  • geo-search; comment field
  • my videos/channels; create comment stream
  • comment; the campaign video name
  • YouTube search stream; campaign videos

187.) Let’s say you want to publish a post through the compose box that contains a long link. Hootsuite provides the ability to transform URLs into what’s called an ‘owly’ link. Which of the following are reasons you’d want to use this feature. (pick two)

  • owly links are prioritized by social networks
  • owly links use less characters than regular URLs
  • owly links are perceived as more trustworthy than regular URLs
  • owly links are trackable, which means you can track how many people clicked it
  • owly links provide higher resolution previews of the webpage being linked to

186.) Which of the following is not a metric type generated by the overview metrics module in Hootsuite Analytics?

  • owly traffic
  • share of voice
  • posts
  • engagement
  • followers

185.) When publishing and managing your YouTube content using Hootsuite, users can: (pick three)

  • add details about a video including a description, relevant tags, and its category
  • publish a video to a playlist
  • bypass YouTube’s size limits
  • view video analytics and identify top performing videos
  • publish videos up to 12 hours in length without a verified account

184.) Why would you want to add someone to a Twitter list in Hootsuite?

  • to create a focused feed of similar users such as industry influencers, advocates, or competitors
  • to send targeted direct messages in bulk
  • to boost the SEO of your posts
  • to group together your published tweets by topic for easier reference
  • to block them from commenting or re-sharing your posts

183.) By using the search functionality within a Twitter stream, users can filter for:

  • Tweets containing keywords and key phrases
  • Tweets from specific users
  • Tweets containing @mentions
  • Tweets from specific locations
  • all of the options in this list

182.) Let’s say you need to schedule 200 social posts to be published at specific times over the next month. Which Hootsuite feature would most efficiently accomplish this?

  • bulk composer
  • Hootsuite campaigns
  • calendar view in the Publisher
  • content library
  • auto-schedule

181.) Sometimes exchanges within a comment thread (in a stream) can become very long and hard to keep track of. If a particular thread is too important to miss, Hootsuite lets you quickly create a dedicated ________________ for that conversation to stay on top of the action.

  • geo-targeted auto-response
  • private message stream
  • comment stream
  • auto-assignment
  • external tag

180.) To share access to a Hootsuite Analytics board with your colleagues you need to use the Share button to:

  • auto-populate an internal CRM message
  • open a printer friendly version of the board
  • share it via email
  • create and copy a custom owly link which you can then share

179.) To share access to a Hootsuite Analytics board with your colleagues you need to:

  • use the Share button to share it via email
  • do all of these
  • use the Share button to auto-populate an internal CRM message
  • use the Share button to create a custom owly link which you can then email, or Tweet to them
  • use the Share button to create a printer friendly version of the board

178.) To share access to a Hootsuite Analytics board with your colleagues you need to:

  • use the Share button to share it via email
  • all the options in this list
  • use the Share button to auto-populate an internal CRM message
  • use the Share button to create a printer friendly version of the board
  • use the Share button to create a custom owly link which you can then Tweet to them

177.) It’s important to ensure you’ve done the following steps when scheduling messages using the Hootsuite bulk compose feature. (pick two)

  • convert the document into Hootsuite’s .hoot format and upload
  • input the date in MONTH, DAY, YEAR or DAY, MONTH, YEAR format
  • input your messages into a text document using an up to date version of Microsoft Word
  • ensure you use a 24-hour clock format (e.g., 17:00 rather than 5:00pm)

176.) What are two reasons why it’s important to share your Hootsuite Analytics data with other members of your team? (pick two)

  • to demonstrate the ROI of your social media efforts to more senior leadership in your company
  • to provide colleagues with relevant content to publish with the compose box
  • to guide your team’s social media tactics to do more of what’s working
  • to supply colleagues with data required for bulk uploader entries
  • to provide more accurate geo-location search results in your streams

175.) The Hootsuite Analytics overview automatically analyzes two time periods: the one you select, and the corresponding length of time before that. For example, if you select the last 7 days, the overview will automatically pull data from the previous 14 days. Why would this be a benefit?

  • to put your analytics results in a more historical perspective
  • to add fullness to your metrics reports
  • to provide an estimate of future trends
  • to make it easier to generate ROI reports for key stakeholders
  • this is not a feature of the overview module

174.) When using the overview module to learn about your metrics data in Hootsuite Analytics, it automatically analyzes BOTH the time period you select AND the corresponding time period before that. For example, if you select the previous 7 days, Overview will automatically pull data from the previous 14 days. Why would this be a benefit?

  • to provide an estimate of future trends
  • to put your analytics results in a more historical perspective
  • this is not a feature of the overview module
  • to make it easier to generate ROI reports for key stakeholders
  • to add fullness to your metrics reports

173.) Hootsuite’s ever-growing library of 100+ partner apps and integrations is called the:

  • Hootsuite App Store
  • Partner Upgrades
  • App Directory
  • Add-ons
  • Hootsuite Plug-ins
  • Hootsuite Library

172.) When you add an RSS feed to Hootsuite, posts from blogs and websites you designate will be:

  • automatically posted to the social network you choose, with a pre-scripted message and a trackable link
  • blocked from your feed
  • put into a ‘Post-Approvals Queue’ for review by your organization’s designated Hootsuite administrator
  • commented on automatically, with customizable, pre-scripted copy that you input under your RSS feed preferences

171.) What best describes the benefit of using Hootsuite, as compared to engaging natively from specific social networks?

  • Hootsuite provides deeper insights into users’ profiles than is found on the networks themselves.
  • Hootsuite allows you to see the contents of private profiles, providing thorough and accurate customer insights.
  • When engaging on social networks natively, you can’t use the auto-respond feature for comments and mentions.
  • Monitoring and responding to comments and mentions in Hootsuite is more thorough and efficient, which decreases the chance you’ll miss an important engagement opportunity.
  • Hootsuite more accurately estimates the dollar value of a like, share, and retweet.

170.) Which of the following best describes the benefit of using Hootsuite to engage with your social media audiences, as compared to doing so natively from the social networks?

  • Hootsuite provides deeper insights into users’ profiles than is found on the networks themselves.
  • Hootsuite allows you to see the contents of private profiles, providing thorough and accurate customer insights.
  • Hootsuite more accurately estimates the dollar value of a like, share, and retweet.
  • Monitoring and responding to comments and mentions in Hootsuite is more thorough and efficient, which decreases the chance you’ll miss an important engagement opportunity.
  • When engaging on social networks natively, you can’t use the auto-respond feature for comments and mentions.

169.) Select the 4 features that are available on Hootsuite Mobile: (pick four)
Search & Settings

  • Publisher
  • Team Metrics
  • Compose
  • Impact
  • Streams

168.) Select the four features that are available on Hootsuite Mobile: (pick four)

  • Campaigns
  • Publisher
  • Team Metrics
  • Compose
  • Impact
  • Streams
  • Insights
  • Search & Settings

167.) Select the four features that are available on Hootsuite Mobile: (pick four)

  • Search & Settings
  • Publisher
  • Team Metrics
  • Compose
  • Impact
  • Streams

166.) See the visual below. Why is the action being taken here important?

  • Publishing messages is how you’ll engage your audience.
  • Without performing this action (at least once), you can’t take any actions within the Hootsuite dashboard.
  • Running reports is a vital part of demonstrating ROI.
  • Adding 3rd party apps to your Hootsuite account is a great way to customize your dashboard for your unique business case.

165.) Which of the options below best describe the action being undertaken in the visual?

  • giving a top performing organic social post a paid boost
  • publishing a social media message to several social media accounts simultaneously
  • adding a stream and social network to your Hootsuite dashboard
  • assigning an incoming social message to a team member for a response
  • running an analytics report to demonstrate ROI
  • creating a new stream for engaging with your audience

164.) Which of the options below best describe the action being undertaken in the visual?

  • filtering a social media feed by specific terms
  • creating a Hootsuite Analytics board around mentions
  • building a stream to search for your competitor’s content
  • adding a new Hootsuite user to your Twitter account

163.) Which of the following is not an action you can perform in the pictured area of the Hootsuite dashboard?

  • save a composed message as a draft
  • search for hashtags or keywords
  • send a direct message to a user
  • retweet and favourite
  • like and reply

162.) Which of the following is not an action you can take in the pictured area of the Hootsuite dashboard?

  • send a direct message to a user
  • like and reply
  • publish an outgoing message with photos
  • retweet and favourite
  • search for hashtags or keywords

161.) Which of the following is not an action you can take in the pictured area of the Hootsuite dashboard?

  • send a direct message to a user
  • like and reply
  • publish an outgoing message with photos, save a composed message as a draft
  • retweet and favourite
  • search for hashtags or keywords

160.) Which description below best describes the action you would undertake in this dialog box?

  • adding an account to Hootsuite
  • sharing account permissions with your team
  • scheduling a post
  • composing a message for your audience
  • creating a stream

159.) To access the Hootsuite App Directory, go to the:

  • Settings Panel
  • Analytics Dashboard
  • Launch Menu
  • Extensions Dropdown

158.) You can publish single-image Instagram posts directly from the Hootsuite dashboard IF you have set-up your Instagram account as a ______________ .

  • certified account
  • premium account
  • business account
  • paid account
  • personal account

157.) Which Hootsuite feature would you use to draft and schedule a message with two images to LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook?

  • Assignments
  • Impact
  • Contests
  • Composer
  • Streams

156.)  to use the __________ workflow when publishing a video to Instagram using Hootsuite.

  • Direct Publishing
  • Mobile Notification

155.) When using Hootsuite to publish to Instagram, there are three types of posts that require using the “Mobile Notification Workflow”, which involves a few additional steps with the Instagram and Hootsuite Mobile App. Pick the three post types below that require using the “Mobile Notification Workflow”. (pick three)

  • Image posted to a Personal account
  • Video posts
  • Image posted to a Business account
  • Carousel image posts
  • Image with captions that include emoji

154.) Publishing to Pinterest with Hootsuite saves time because:

  • it automatically edits any image you upload into a more ‘pin-able’ version.
  • it guarantees your pin will receive more engagement than posting natively.
  • you can schedule and post to multiple accounts and boards at the same time.
  • the Composer window suggests popular content for you to repin.

153.) Which tools are found in the header section of the Hootsuite Dashboard? (pick three)

  • App Directory
  • Engagement Streams
  • Quick Search
  • Message Composer
  • Account Settings

152.) When publishing to Pinterest from Hootsuite, you must include two items, which are:

  • a caption and a photo
  • a target audience and a link
  • a scheduled time and a photo
  • a photo and a link

151.) In the Composer, there are 3 ways you can attach an image. Which of the following is not an option for attaching an image?

  • picking an image from the Media Library
  • uploading it directly from your computer
  • insert an image from an Instream Tweet
  • uploading from a Hootsuite Integration (e.g., Adobe Experience Manager)

150.) What are two best practices for discovering whether a message you’ve scheduled with Hootsuite has failed to send? (pick two)

  • enable email notifications for failed messages under ‘Preferences’
  • download a “Past Scheduled” report from Hootsuite Analytics, and cross-referencing it with posts actually published on your social properties
  • regularly check Publisher’s ‘Rejected’ Tab
  • review the ‘Past Scheduled’ calendar view in Publisher for entries colored red

149.) What’s the difference between a Stream and a Tab?

  • Streams are for searching out conversations, whereas tabs are for publishing content to your audiences.
  • Steams display content from your social networks, and Tabs house a collection of streams.
  • Streams provide account analytics, Tabs are where geo-searches are performed.
  • Tabs are for searching out conversations, whereas streams are for publishing content to your audiences.

148.) Some of the Apps in the Hootsuite App Directory include ‘plugins’ which means that the app:

  • can only be used in one stream at a time.
  • contains additional security features
  • can be integrated across your entire dashboard, rather than just within a stream.
  • contains additional security features

147.) Within a Hootsuite Analytics Board, you can use a Widgets/Metric, which is:

  • an executive-level overview of common, aggregated metrics.
  • an individual display of a specific metric.
  • a pre-set campaign template, targeted at specific social media objectives.
  • a tool for tracking the posts and conversations happening in your area.
  • a pre-set displays of Line Charts, Tables, and TreeMaps.

146.) If you’ve selected ____________________ for your campaign, you can monitor, accept or reject campaign entries before they are displayed in your social gallery, which is important for assuring the quality of the content that will become associated with your brand.

  • “Entry Moderation”
  • “Brand Protection”
  • “Curate Submissions”
  • “Enable Censor”

145.) In the ___________________, fill in the content for the tabs that will be displayed on your Enterprise Campaign page, such as terms and conditions.

  • Engagement section
  • Page Content section
  • Miscellaneous section
  • Publisher Preview section
  • Content Library section

144.) What is the number of social networks a user can add to Hootsuite?

  • variable, depending on plan type
  • 50, regardless of plan type or user
  • 20, regardless of plan type or user
  • unlimited for all users

143.) Which of the following two statements regarding internal post-tagging are true? (pick two answers)

  • you can enter one tag per message
  • they apply to incoming messages only
  • the tags available for selection are predetermined by admins
  • they apply to outgoing messages only
  • you can enter multiple tags per message

142.) Which of the following is a true statement about using Hootsuite Amplify?

  • a company must have a Google Ad Sense account connected to a super-admin’s email address first
  • you can pay to boost posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter AND Instagram
  • employees need to connect their personal social networks in order to share content
  • a company must have a Facebook Business Manager account set up first
  • anyone can share content on a company’s behalf with Amplify plug in

141.) Which Hootsuite product supports an employee advocacy strategy by making it easy for employees to share approved company content over their social profiles?

  • Hootsuite Impressions
  • Hootsuite Amplify
  • Hootsuite Engagement
  • Hootsuite Influencer
  • Hootsuite Advocacy

140.) A security related best practice is to have a notification procedure in place that alerts organization super-admins about any upcoming and/or sudden departures so they can

  • quickly remove these users from the Hootsuite Organization
  • ensure all forwarding contact information for that employee is listed in the Personnel Section
  • prepare a farewell message to share through social channels on departure day
  • switch the departing employee’s permissions from Advanced or Editor down to View Only

139.) Why would you want to build separate content banks within Hootsuite’s Content Library?

  • to more efficiently search social networks for mentions of your company’s handle or branded hashtags
  • to get better curation results from Hootsuite’s content curation algorithm
  • to more accurately catalog incoming social messaging based on fan/follower type
  • to supply different teams with sets of shareable content relevant to their functions
  • If you need to schedule more than 100 messages at a time, you�ll need to create and separate content banks

138.) If you’d like to change a team member’s access permissions to a particular social network, the best way to do so is by adjusting the permissions through the_________________, rather than through the team member’s profile.

  • social network tab
  • compose box
  • contacts tab
  • analytics module
  • engagement view

137.) When you add a new user to your Hootsuite organization, a best practice is to require them to ______________________.

  • update their profile with a clear headshot and title
  • connect their personal social networks to Hootsuite
  • undergo Hootsuite’s Facial Recognition procedure, for fast, secure dashboard access
  • input credit card details to prevent fraud
  • provide a biometric thumbprint for fast, secure dashboard access

136.) The Boards feature is:

  • where you set up user-generated content contests
  • where you set the parameters for a Hootsuite social media campaign
  • a fully customizable, real-time display of social metrics data
  • you undertake audience testing to determine the best Ad product to purchase
  • a location search stream, with geocode set for your specific location

135.) Team metrics are available to:

  • All Team Admins for all teams
  • Team Admins for the team to which they are assigned
  • Teams Admins and Team Members
  • All Super Admins for all teams

134.) Time metrics available for the Assignments Board are:

  • Assign Time, First Response Time, Return Time, Refractory Time
  • Pick Up Time, First Response Time, Handling Time, Resolution Time
  • Pick Up Time, Return Time, Handling Time, Resolution Time
  • Assign Time, Return Time, Received Time, Resolution Time

133.) If you want to categorize outgoing and incoming social messages according to topic the best Hootsuite feature to employ is:

  • internal post-tagging
  • internal hashtags
  • hootags
  • Content Library
  • messaging bookmarks

132.) Under the __________________ in Enterprise Campaigns, you can add custom copy that will appear each time someone shares your campaign on their social networks.

  • Engagement section
  • Social Sharing Tab
  • Miscellaneous section
  • Publisher Tab
  • Customization Tab

131.) To find all mentions of your competitor’s branded hashtag within a given radius of a store you’ve opened up in a new city, you should:

  • create a private Twitter List for your competitor and filter the search results by Followers AND branded hashtag
  • compose a geo-targeted message, filtered by the hashtag AND the desired radius around the geocode for the new store
  • set up a geo-search stream, filtered by the hashtag AND the desired radius around the geocode for the new store
  • set up a geo-search stream, filtered by competitor’s Twitter handle AND the city in which your your new store is located

130.) When creating a campaign in Enterprise Campaigns, what option(s) do you have regarding where the campaign will live?

  • on its own microsite, a separate tab on your Facebook Page or live on an existing webpage
  • embedded within your company’s webpage
  • in a dedicated microsite
  • on a separate tab on your Facebook Page or Twitter Page, and/or a header on your LinkedIn Company Page
  • in the sidebar menu of your LinkedIn Company Page, as a Tab on your Facebook Page, or on a dedicated microsite

129.) In order for employees to use Hootsuite Amplify, they must first:

  • be added to the Human Resources Team within Hootsuite Organizations
  • find content in the Content Library they want to upvote
  • download the Amplify app from the App Store
  • have published content on their personal networks with a minimum of 1000 impressions
  • be given security clearance by an authorized Hootsuite representative

128.) To generate time metrics based on tags you need to:

  • assign a unique tag to each member of your team.
  • do nothing. Tags are applied automatically.
  • label all messages in with tags in batches at the end of a 24 hour cycle.
  • apply a tag to either the inbound message or your outbound response.

127.) Why would you want to save a message as a draft in the Hootsuite Compose Box?

  • to provide your entire team with approved messaging to support a campaign
  • To send a carefully crafted message more than once
  • To put it into an Approvals Queue that can be Accepted or Rejected by a Hootsuite Admin
  • To provide a new team member with “in-dash” feedback on social messaging they have composed

126.) Hootsuite’s mobile app let’s you see all the posts you’ve scheduled and adjust publishing times to fine tune how you’re targeting your audience. You can access this functionality in the

  • Streams
  • Publisher
  • Search and Settings
  • Teams and Assignments
  • compose box

125.) Within a Hootsuite Organization, a _____________ is the person responsible for determining the hierarchical structure that will be used within the Hootsuite dashboard.

  • software engineer
  • IT lead
  • super admin
  • team Lead
  • Board of Directors

124.) It’s important to consider adjusting a user’s Social Network permissions (or access) because:

  • it allows customer service queries to be ‘auto-assigned’ to the relevant team
  • it’s a required step for posting anything to a social network
  • you may not want every team or member to have access to every social network
  • without it, the network won’t appear in the Social Profile Picked in the Compose Box

123.) ____________________ can also be activated for certain Enterprise campaign types, so enable it if you’re concerned about bots or spam.

  • Hootsuite Spam Detect
  • Ad Blocker
  • Google Recaptcha
  • Hootsuite Bot Blocker
  • DNS Verified Identity

122.) Why would you use the ‘Assign to Me’ function in the drop down menu of an incoming message?

  • to enter the message into Hootsuite’s ‘Message extension’ feature, which provides guidance on how to respond to tough messages
  • you can only assign messages to other team members; for a message to be assigned to you, it would need to be done by another team member.
  • for social teams with just one person, it’s a required step for entering the message into an approvals queue
  • it’s an easy way to remind yourself to respond to that social message later

121.) Which Hootsuite product provides a repository of pre-approved resources that allow easy and seamless social sharing by Hootsuite team members?

  • RSS Feed
  • Hootsuite Publisher
  • Content Library
  • Message Approvals
  • Suggested Content

120.) A significant benefit of Hootsuite’s single sign-on functionality is the security it brings to the ____.

  • background check process
  • off-boarding process
  • on-boarding process
  • message approvals process

119.) Clicking the Settings Icon in Hootsuite Campaigns let’s you specify things like how often people can submit entries. When you’re getting started, a good rule of thumb is to:

  • Let people submit as many entries as they wish; this will engage your most motivated contestants
  • Hootsuite Campaigns sets this number automatically for you; it’s not user-specifiable
  • let people submit only one entry for the life of the campaign; allowing more may put you in breach of a social network’s Terms of Service agreement
  • let people cast one entry per day; this will keep dedicated fans coming back, without overwhelming the campaign

118.) By setting a team member’s permissions to ‘Can Edit’ on a Board in Hootsuite Analytics, you are granting them:

  • Team Admin level permissions for that Board
  • full editing rights to that Board
  • partial editing rights
  • ‘Can Edit’ is not a valid setting for Boards
  • Admin level permissions for that Board

117.) Team metrics can be refined by:

  • team member, team, platform, social account, message type and tag.
  • team member, editor, message type, platform, social account, and tag.
  • team member, editor, message type, super admin, social account, and tag.
  • team member, editor, message type, platform, organization, and tag.

116.) To effectively promote an upcoming fundraising event, social media managers might find it helpful to employ the following advanced features of the COMPOSE BOX simultaneously:

  • “Geo-search” for mentions of your event hashtag, create twitter lists with high profile attendees, monitor analytics data for sentiment around your event
  • Auto-schedule important messages, shrink long links into owly links, track click through rates for owly links
  • “Geo-target” Tweets by country, tweet multiple images in a gallery format, save a tweet as a draft for future re-use
  • Assign a tweet from an important attendee to your colleague for response, bulk upload multiple promotional messages for the event with a .csv file, “geo-search” for mentions of your event hashtag

115.) Which of the following are reasons you’d use internal post-tagging? (pick two answers)

  • provide a way for team members to anonymously express interest in an internal job posting to HR team or discuss a sensitive employment matter
  • more efficiently match qualified internal candidates with jobs uploaded into the Hootsuite management system
  • monitor campaign and event activity
  • classify in stream messages to measure volume and sentiment

114.) Hootsuite’s content library can be found:

  • under the Shareable Content tab
  • under the assignements tab
  • within engagement streams for Facebook and Twitter only
  • under the Engagement Tab
  • under the Publisher Tab

113.) Within the Compose Box, you have 4 options for scheduling a message. Which one of the following is NOT an option for scheduling in the compose box?

  • “Suggested Content” Scheduling
  • Manually schedule
  • Auto-schedule
  • Using the ‘View Date in Publisher’ button

112.) Which of the following best describes ‘internal post-tagging’?

  • a feature for HR teams that matches qualified internal candidates with jobs posted through Hootsuite
  • a feature that lets team members discreetly express interest in an internal job posting
  • a useful way to categorize outbound and inbound messages for a variety of purposes
  • a metric type in Hootsuite Analytics
  • a method of categorization that happens after a visual asset in the content library has been tagged

111.) Within a Hootsuite Organization, we recommend setting the default permissions of a new employee to ____ so they can monitor your dashboard activity as they learn about the company’s social media strategy and presence, before being granted a higher level of access

  • read only
  • unlimited
  • monitor view
  • limited
  • view only

110.) Only ____ can invite new members to your Hootsuite Organization, so be certain these individuals have the time to add new employees as they are onboarded

  • an authorized Hootsuite representative
  • gold star team members
  • super admins and admins
  • platinum and gold team members
  • team admins

109.) When you conduct an audit of your Hootsuite organization, a security-related best practice is to

  • flag users who have not connected their personal social networks to Hootsuite
  • revoke access for those who no longer need it
  • ensure all team member have submitted their biometric thumbprints
  • flag users who have connected their perseonal social networks to Hootsuite
  • reset all users permissions to default and then re-assign settings on an as-needed basis

107.) It’s important to ensure you’ve done the following steps when scheduling messages using the Hootsuite Bulk Scheduling feature. (pick two)

  • Convert the document into Hootsuite’s .hoot format and upload
  • Input your messages into a text document using an up to date version of Microsoft Word
  • Input the date in MONTH, DAY, YEAR or DAY, MONTH, YEAR format
  • Ensure you use a 24-hour clock format (e.g., 17:00 rather than 5:00pm)

106.) Hootsuite’s content library allows employees to:

  • purchase royalty free stock images for use in social campaigns
  • keep a record of all incoming social messages from fans and followers, as well as responses
  • easily share pre-approved messaging and visuals to the networks connected to their social dashboard
  • share content automatically from trusted websites and blogs
  • select relevant news stories to share from a bank of content automatically curated according to previous publishing history

105.) Say you’re assigning an incoming Tweet to a member of the sales team – what’s the most efficient way to provide them with context about how to handle the tweet?

  • Send the team member a Twitter Direct Message using the Hootsuite Compose Box
  • Use Hootsuite’s ‘Send to Email’ functionality in the Engagement View
  • Include a personalized note alongside the Assignment
  • Send the team member a Direct Message using Hootsuite Chat

104.) Hootsuite lets you “geo-target” your Tweets by country, which is useful for:

  • avoiding overwhelming audiences in non-target countries with irrelevant content
  • filtering all tweets coming out of a specified country by keyword
  • searching geographical regions for mentions of your brand
  • auto-localizing your tweeted content to the dominant language in that region

103.) By analyzing your ____, Hootsuite’s Suggestions feature suggests a week’s worth of messages relating to your interests that you can schedule into your publishing calendar

  • posting history and stated search topics
  • followers’ interests and demographics
  • RSS feed input and personal click-through rate
  • engagement and ow.ly analytics

102.) Let’s say you attach four images to accompany an imprtant tweet that you’ve composed in the Hootsuite Compose Box. On Twitter, the images will appear in your audience’s stream as:

  • A collage format, with full size images
  • A series of 4 full size, but individual tweets (with the tweet copy appearing above the first image of the series)
  • Part of their Image Gallery
  • As thumbnails, which your audience can quickly expand at their direction

101.) A ____ can manage all aspects of the organization such as adding team members and social networks, creating teams such as Marketing, Sales and Recruitment, adding seats to the Hootsuite Organization, and managing billing functions.

  • gold star team member
  • team admin
  • software engineer
  • board of directors
  • super admin

100.) How many Super-Admins does Hootsuite recommend having in place in a Hootsuite Organization?

  • At least two super admins in case one of them forgets their password, or leaves the company unexpectedly
  • It’s recommended that you have one Super-Admin for every social network connected to your Hootsuite account
  • You are only permitted to have one Super-Admin at any given time
  • The number of Super-Admins should always equal the number of seats available in your Hootsuite Plan type

99.) When you share a Board with a team member in Hootsuite Analytics, you can allow that team member to adjust the parameters of the Board to fine-tune the insights being generated. To allow for this collaboration, you must set the permission for that user to:

  • ‘Default’
  • ‘Custom’
  • ‘Unlimited Permissions’
  • ‘Super-Admin’
  • ‘Can Edit’

98.) What is an advantage of sharing a Board with a colleague rather than sending them a static analytics report?

  • boards include a qualitative analysis report indicating what you should do more of (and less of)
  • boards analyze a team member’s Hootsuite activity (engagement, publishing) to pull out the metrics that are most valuable to them
  • boards feature a built-in ROI calculator that grade your company’s social activities relative to your defined social media objectives
  • boards provide your colleagues with continuous access to real time data, whenever they want it

97.) When you add an RSS feed to Hootsuite, posts from blogs and websites you designate will be:

  • automatically posted to the social network you choose, with a pre-scripted message and a trackable link
  • prevented from being posted to your feed
  • put into a ‘Post-Approvals Queue’ for review by your organization’s designated Hootsuite Administrator
  • commented on automatically, with customizable, pre-scripted copy that you input under Preferences —->RSS Feed —->Auto-Respond Options

96.) By analyzing your _________________________, Hootsuite’s Suggestions feature suggests a week’s worth of messages relating to your interests that you can schedule into your publishing calendar

  • engagement and ow.ly analytics
  • RSS feed input and personal click-through data
  • followers’ interests and demographics
  • posting history and stated search topics

95.) Before deciding on a campaign hashtag for your Hootsuite Campaign, be sure to _________________ and that the hashtag is short, easy to remember, and relevant to the campaign.

  • research it beforehand to ensure it’s not already in use
  • confirm your hashtag budget is in line with the the cost to secure it on your target networks
  • verify that it’s valid and already in use on all the social networks
  • confirm that you have the required budget to properly promote it with Google Ad Words

94.) Geo-search streams are used to help you find tweets and Twitter conversations relevant to your brand that are happening in:

  • private profiles or closed networks
  • your home country
  • specific social networks
  • specific physical locations or regions
  • pre-set topic areas

93.) Hootsuite lets you “geo-target” your Tweets by country, which is useful for:

  • auto-localizing your tweeted content to the dominant language in that region
  • filtering all tweets coming out of a specified country by keyword
  • avoiding overwhelming audiences in non-target countries with irrelevant content
  • searching geographical regions for mentions of your brand

92.) Before you publish a message using Hootsuite, you must first do the following:

  • enter your payment details on the Plans Page (under Preferences ? Settings)
  • set up at least one Engagement Stream for a social network
  • connect at least one social network to Hootsuite (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn)
  • Input your content curation preferences in the Content Library

91.) To efficiently engage with a social media audience, we encourage Organization Admins and Super-Admins to:

  • grant Admin or Super-Admin status to as many employees as possible
  • consolidate team members into one group, to make assigning messages and setting permissions more efficient
  • ensure employees have easy access to passwords for each social network
  • create Teams dedicated to specific functions like sales, marketing and customer support

90.) What is the main use of the Hootsuite Hootlet?

  • Communication with your team – the Hootlet simplifies intra-organization collaboration
  • Finding useful apps – the Hootlet is the portal for finding all available apps and plug-ins for the Hootsuite ecosystem.
  • Content creation – the Hootlet helps you store and categorize your ideas for new content
  • Content curation – the Hootlet makes it easy to share the content you discover on the web via the social accounts connected to your Hootsuite account

89.) Say you’re assigning an incoming Tweet to a member of the sales team – what’s the most efficient way to provide them with context about how to handle the tweet?

  • Use Hootsuite’s ‘Send to Email’ functionality in the Engagement View
  • Include a personalized note alongside the Assignment
  • Send the team member a Twitter Direct Message using the Hootsuite Compose Box
  • Send the team member a Direct Message using Hootsuite Chat

88.) Your goal for the coming quarter is to boost audience engagement and increase sales leads in support of the launch of a new service your company is offering. Which Hootsuite product/function would be most helpful in this context?

  • Hootsuite Retargeting
  • Hootsuite Analytics
  • Hootsuite Email Capture
  • Hootsuite Campaigns
  • Hootsuite Engagement

87.) Which statement most accurately describes incoming message assignments functionality in Hootsuite Mobile?

  • Assignments made from your desktop dashboard will be visible on mobile, and vice versa
  • Assignments is a feature exclusive to Hootsuite Mobile
  • Assignments made from Mobile are not visible in the desktop dashboard
  • Assignments functionality is available in desktop dashboard only

86.) Why would you want to set up a location search stream when using the Instagram integration in Hootsuite?

  • so you can frequently and easily engage with key influencer’s content and potentially draw their attention back to your profile
  • Location search is only available for Twitter, not Instagram
  • so you can track the posts and conversations happening in your area and efficiently connect with potential new customers
  • to track conversations happening within a specific radius of your current location
  • to keep track of who has unfollowed you

85.) Sometimes exchanges within a comment thread can become very long and hard to keep track of. If a particular thread is too important to miss, Hootsuite let’s you quickly create a dedicated ________________ for that conversation to stay on top of the action.

  • Auto-Assignment
  • Private Message Stream
  • Comment Stream
  • External Tag
  • Geo-targeted auto-response

84.) Hootsuite Assignments allows you to:

  • assign specific social messages to certain members of your team
  • onboard new team members by assigning them time sensitive training exercises
  • assign a branded, trackable URL to an existing IP address
  • organize Hootsuite team members into a structure that matches your organization’s

83.) To send a carefully crafted message more than once, you should use:

  • Geo-targeted messages
  • Hootsuite Drafts
  • Hootsuite Profile Picker
  • Auto-schedule

82.) Which of the following statements about adding social networks to Hootsuite is false?

  • You can connect Hootsuite to any supported social network to which you have account access
  • By selecting “Authorize app” you’re giving Hootsuite permission to manage a social media account
  • You can connect Hootsuite to your YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and WordPress accounts
  • You can link any supported social network to Hootsuite, regardless of whether you have account access

81.) Say one of your followers leaves a comment on your recent Facebook post; you can’t respond until tomorrow and don’t want to forget. What’s the easiest way to remember to stay on top of this?

  • Create a dedicated EverNote Stream, beside the stream in which the message initially appeared
  • The ‘Assign to Me’ function
  • Set up a reminder using Hootsuite ‘Reminders’
  • Hootsuite’s ‘Notes’ feature
  • Hootsuite’s ‘Message extension’ feature

80.) To manage the social media activities of a team of people within Hootsuite, you’ll need to use:

  • Account provisioning
  • LiftMetrix
  • Hootsuite Organizations
  • Google’s Teams Plug-In
  • Hootsuite Collaboration feature

79.) Specifying social network permissions allows a different level of access to particular social media profiles. These permissions can be granted by:

  • those with Editor of Admin privileges
  • anyone with Default or Editor permissions
  • team admins, department admins
  • organization super-admins, and admins

78.) When starting a search stream for Vacation Holiday Getaway, put ________ around the text to search for that exact phrase.

  • quotations
  • @ symbols
  • Boolean Operators
  • ampersands
  • asterisks

77.) To determine the ROI of your social media activities, which Hootsuite product would you use?

  • Hootsuite Metrics
  • Hootsuite Solutions
  • Hootsuite Social ROI
  • Hootsuite ROI Calculator
  • Hootsuite Analytics

76.) When using the Compose Box in Hootsuite Mobile, which options are available for sending your message?

  • Hootsuite Mobile does not allow publishing – only engagement functionality
  • Send Now only
  • Send Now, Auto-Schedule, or Schedule a custom time
  • Send Now or Schedule a custom time

75.) If you need to keep track of a large number of published or scheduled messages sent to a variety of social networks, Hootsuite _______ is an important product area for you to familiarize yourself with.

  • Engagement
  • Approvals Queue
  • Content Library
  • Assignments
  • Publisher

74.) With using the Instagram integration in Hootsuite, you can set up custom search streams to keep track of:

  • keywords, geocode searches, popular searches
  • specific hashtags, the feeds of specific users, and locations
  • posts specific users have Liked, hashtags, locations, popular searches
  • hashtags, popular searches, top hashtags by industry, and locations
  • locations, comments made on your posts, keywords or phrases

73.) It’s important to ensure you’ve done the following steps when scheduling messages using the Hootsuite Bulk Scheduling feature. (pick two)

  • Input the date in MONTH, DAY, YEAR or DAY, MONTH, YEAR format
  • Input your messages into a text document using an up to date version of Microsoft Word
  • Ensure you use a 24-hour clock format (e.g., 17:00 rather than 5:00pm)
  • Convert the document into Hootsuite’s .hoot format and upload

72.) If you’re looking for a fast, executive-level overview of common, aggregated metrics such as Audience Growth, Engagement, Website Traffic, and Total Posts, you should look at:

  • the Boards feature in Hootsuite Social ROI
  • the Overview feature in Hootsuite Analytics
  • the Owl View in Hootsuite Insights
  • the Overview feature in Hootsuite Metrics
  • the Boards feature in Hootsuite Metrics

71.) Like Organizations, Teams also have different permission levels. Members of a team either have Team Admin permissions or Default permissions. A Team Admin is assigned his or her permission status by:

  • a Hootsuite Account Executive or Customer Success Manager
  • anyone with Default permissions
  • Organization Admins or Super-Admins
  • those within existing teams who have Default permissions

70.) When using the Compose Box in Hootsuite, what’s the purpose of the Social Profile Picker?

  • To select the social profiles to which you want to publish your message
  • To connect an existing social media account (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn) to your Hootsuite dashboard
  • To monitor account activity on your social networks connected to Hootsuite
  • To create a network specific search stream in the Engagement area

69.) What’s the difference between a Stream and a Tab?

  • Streams are created under Tabs, sort of like files stored in different folders
  • Tabs are for searching out conversations, whereas Streams are for publishing content to your audiences
  • Tabs are created under Streams, similar to folders superimposed on individual files
  • Streams are for searching out conversations, whereas Tabs are for publishing content to your audiences

68.) Which of the following is not a metric type generated by the Overview metrics module?

  • Followers
  • Posts
  • Engagement
  • Share of Voice
  • Owly Traffic

67.) When you’re creating a campaign in Hootsuite Campaigns, and trying to decide what information contestants must provide, what are two best practices? (pick two)

  • think about the needs of the 3rd parties to whom you’ll sell the data once your campaign is complete
  • let Hootsuite Campaigns’ ‘Auto-Create’ feature decide for you, especially if you’re new to campaign creation and are unsure.
  • be sure that the prize you’re offering justifies the amount of information being asked for
  • not to ask for more information than you need
  • on the side of requiring more information, as this will be useful for subsequent marketing campaigns

66.) Select the response below that is a real feature and benefit of using Hootsuite when it comes to interacting/engaging with your audience (i.e., the one that is not fictitious):

  • When engaging on social networks natively, you can’t use the ‘auto-respond’ feature for comments and mentions
  • Hootsuite allows you to see the contents of private profiles, providing more thorough and accurate customer insights
  • Hootsuite provides deeper insights into users’ profiles than is found on the networks themselves
  • Monitoring and responding to comments and mentions in Hootsuite is more efficient, and there’s less of a chance an important engagement opportunity will be missed
  • Hootsuite more accurately estimates the dollar value of a Like, Share, and Retweet.

65.) The top of the Hootsuite Organizations structure is the:

  • Executive Level
  • Admin-Level
  • Team Admin Level
  • Ow.ly Level
  • Super-Admin level

64.) You want to drive traffic to a new landing page for a campaign, and want a web address that’s short, easy to remember, trackable, and reflective of your brand. Hootsuite supports you with:

  • custom top-level domain suffixes
  • a batch of custom redirect links
  • Vanity URLs
  • Ow.ly links

63.) The following features are accessible on Hootsuite Mobile:

  • Streams, Campaigns, Search, Insights, Settings
  • Streams, Publisher, Compose box, Search and Settings
  • Publisher, Streams, Campaigns, Insights, Settings
  • Publisher, Comments, Compose Box, Search, Insights
  • Streams, Content Library, Insights, Search and Settings

62.) Which of the following is not a feature of Hootsuite?

  • The ability to monitor conversations and engage with your audience across multiple social networks
  • Geo-locating conversations and geo-targeting messages
  • The ability to schedule and publish messages to multiple accounts at once
  • The ability to fully automate your social media marketing activities (i.e., the Autopilot feature)

61.) Let’s say you attach four images to accompany an important tweet. On Twitter, the images will appear in your audience’s stream as:

  • As thumbnails, which your audience can quickly expand at their discretion
  • Part of their Image Gallery
  • A series of 4 full size, but individual tweets (with the tweet copy appearing above the first image of the series)
  • A collage format, with full size images

60.) Why is it important to connect your social networks to Hootsuite?

  • You can’t do anything in Hootsuite without performing this step first
  • Without it, you’ll only be able to listen to conversations, but not respond.
  • Without it, you’ll only be able to publish messages, but not engage with your audience
  • It provides enhanced analytics data

59.) What are three ways you can schedule messages in Hootsuite? Select the three best options:

  • Under the Require Approval heading in the Publisher
  • From within the Compose Box (manual and auto-schedule)
  • From the drop down menu in a search stream (Send to Schedule)
  • From within the calendar view in the Publisher
  • Using the bulk uploader

58.) When publishing to Instagram using Hootsuite, which steps are you able to do within the Hootsuite dashboard on your desktop? (pick three)

  • Selecting the image you’d like to publish
  • Including the link you’d like to publish with your image
  • Scheduling when your Instagram post should publish
  • Posting the text and image to your feed

57.) To share access to a Hootsuite Analytics board with your colleagues you need to:

  • use the Share button to share it via email
  • all of the above
  • use the Share button to auto-populate an internal CRM message
  • use the Share button to create a custom owly link which you can then email, or Tweet to them
  • use the Share button to create a printer friendly version of the board

56.) When setting up a geo-search stream for Twitter, you can filter results by (pick two):

  • hashtags AND radius around your current location
  • a user’s profile handle AND their country
  • radius around your current location AND people you follow
  • search terms AND radius around any location you input
  • hashtags, search terms, AND the country from which tweets were published

55.) The Boards feature is:

  • where you set the parameters for a Hootsuite social media campaign
  • where you set up user-generated content contests
  • you undertake audience testing to determine the best Ad product to purchase
  • a location search stream, with geocode set for your specific location
  • a fully customizable, real-time display of social metrics data

54.) What are two best practices for discovering whether a message you’ve scheduled with Hootsuite has failed to send?

  • Download a ‘Past Scheduled’ report from Hootsuite Analytics, and cross-referencing it with posts actually published on your social properties
  • Review Past Scheduled calendar view in Publisher for entries colored red
  • Regularly check Publisher’s ‘Rejected’ Tab
  • Enable email notifications for failed messages under Preferences

53.) To attach an image to your message, press the ______ icon.

  • globe
  • image
  • paperclip
  • owly

52.) Within Hootsuite Analytics, you can use Widgets/Metrics, which are:

  • pre-set displays of Line Charts, Tables, and TreeMaps
  • tools for tracking the posts and conversations happening in your area
  • executive-level overviews of common, aggregated metrics
  • pre-set campaign templates, targeted at specific social media objectives
  • individual displays of a specific metric

51.) Hootsuite Mobile is useful for teams because of the following functionality:

  • Content Library and Online Education
  • Search and Assignments
  • Approvals and Campaigns
  • Campaigns and Content Library
  • Assignments and Approvals

50.) The following Hootsuite Mobile functionality makes it easy to collaborate with your teammates on the go:

  • Approvals and Campaigns
  • Campaigns and Content Library
  • Assignments and Approvals
  • Search and Assignments
  • Content Library and Online Education

49.) Why would you use the ‘Assign to Me’ function in the drop down menu of an incoming message?

  • for social teams with just one person, it’s a required step for entering the message into an approvals queue
  • to enter the message into Hootsuite’s ‘Message extension’ feature, which provides guidance on how to respond to tough messages
  • it’s an easy way to remind yourself to respond to that social message later
  • you can only assign messages to other team members; for a message to be assigned to you, it would need to be done by another team member.

48.) If you want to use Hootsuite Campaigns to engage and grow your Instagram audience, use a/an ___________________________ to curate content that your audience can share and vote on.

  • Photo Contest Campaign
  • Instagram Image Share Campaign
  • Mobile Photo Contest
  • Instagram Contest campaign
  • Hashtag User-Generated Content Contest

47.) By using ______________ within Hootsuite, you can efficiently and thoroughly interact with audiences across all your social networks, with just a few clicks.

  • geo-targeting
  • Boards and Widgets
  • Analytics
  • geo-search
  • engagement streams

46.) When publishing to Instagram using Hootsuite, which step must be done within the Instagram app?

  • Selecting the image you’d like to publish
  • Posting the text and image to your feed
  • Scheduling when your Instagram post should publish
  • Including the link you’d like to publish with your image

45.) Overview and Boards are modules within which Hootsuite product?

  • Hootsuite Metrics
  • Hootsuite Campaigns
  • Hootsuite Ads
  • Hootsuite Publisher
  • Hootsuite Analytics

44.) To find and engage in Twitter conversations happening in specific geographical areas that are relevant to your company, you should use:

  • Hootsuite campaigns
  • geo-targeted messages
  • geo-search streams
  • Internal/External Tagging
  • the Hootsuite Surveillance feature

43.) To effectively promote an upcoming fundraising event, social media managers might find it helpful to employ the following features of the Compose Box simultaneously:

  • “Geo-target” Tweets by country, tweet multiple images in a gallery format, save a tweet as a draft for future re-use
  • Assign a tweet from an important attendee to your colleague for response, bulk upload multiple promotional messages for the event with a .csv file, “geo-search” for mentions of your event hashtag
  • Auto-schedule important messages, shrink long links into owly links, track click through rates for owly links
  • “Geo-search” for mentions of your event hashtag, create twitter lists with high profile attendees, monitor analytics data for sentiment around your event

42.) What is the main benefit of using Hootsuite to interact with your social media audiences, rather than doing so natively from the social networks themselves?

  • When engaging on social networks natively, you can’t use the ‘auto-respond’ feature for comments and mentions.
  • Hootsuite allows you to see the contents of private profiles, providing more thorough and accurate customer insights
  • Hootsuite provides deeper insights into users’ profiles than is found on the networks themselves
  • Hootsuite more accurately estimates the dollar value of a Like, Share, and Retweet
  • Monitoring and responding to comments and mentions in Hootsuite is more efficient, and there’s less of a chance an important engagement opportunity will be missed

41.) ___________________ allows you to assign specific social messages to certain members of your team, ensuring the message reaches most appropriate person to respond.

  • Hootsuite’s Assignments’ functionality
  • Message Analytics
  • Hootsuite’s ‘Team Flow’ feature
  • Approvals Queue
  • Internal Tagging feature

40.) To begin using Hootsuite, you need to connect your social media accounts. Two areas where you can add a social network are: (pick two)

  • Navigation Bar
  • Engagement view (also known as streams view)
  • Account View/User Profile
  • Compose Box
  • Quick Search

39.) There are three permission types at the organizational level within Hootsuite:

  • Executive, Administrator, Standard
  • Super Admin, Admin and Default
  • Super-Admin, Manager, Employee
  • Standard, Expedited, Super Admin
  • Ringleader, Foot Soldier, Jester

38.) The purpose of the social profile picker in the Compose Box is to:

  • select or deselect your existing social networks you’d like to connect to with your Hootsuite account
  • select the social networks you’d like to monitor for activity relevant to your brand
  • pick the social networks for which you’d like to generate a statistics report about your publishing efforts
  • identify the social networks to which you’d like to publish your message

37.) A Vanity URL in Hootsuite is:

  • one that contains a custom domain suffix, such as .io .ly .ing .love
  • a set of re-direct links provided to your organization’s administrator by Hootsuite
  • One web address within a larger pre-determined set of commercially available domain names associated with a certain industry segment
  • a customizable, branded URL that also let’s you track click through statistics

36.) Which of the following is not a benefit of using Hootsuite Analytics?

  • Metrics data are updated in real-time
  • It’s more efficient to gather metrics data in one place, rather than several different sources
  • Highly accurate estimates of the monetary value of each Like, Retweet, Share, and new Follower
  • Highly visual, customizable interface

35.) When using the Instagram Integration in Hootsuite, we recommend setting up a __________________ so you can easily acknowledge those who support your brand by liking and commenting on their posts.

  • username search with your IG handle
  • keyword search stream with phrases used to search for your company
  • hashtag search stream for your branded hashtag
  • dedicated tab for your Instagram friends and followers
  • location search stream, with geocode set for your specific location

34.) You can do the following actions in the Hootsuite Compose Box, except:

  • convert a web address into a shortened, trackable owly link
  • search for mentions of your company name
  • track character count limits for the social networks your posting to
  • schedule when your message should publish
  • pick the social profiles to which you want to publish your message

33.) What is the most popular and loved feature of Hootsuite?

  • The ability to schedule and publish messages to multiple accounts at once
  • Social media analytics and metrics
  • Geo-locating conversations and geo-targeting messages
  • The ability to automate all your social media activities (i.e., Autopilot functionality)

32.) If you come across an article online that you’d like to quickly share with your audience, the most effective Hootsuite tool to use is the:

  • Assignments Feature
  • Publisher
  • Hootlet
  • RSS Feed
  • Compose Box

31.) Why would you want to save a message as a draft in Hootsuite?

  • To send a carefully crafted message more than once
  • To put it into an Approvals Queue that can be Accepted or Rejected by a Hootsuite Admin
  • To provide your entire team with approved messaging to support a campaign
  • To provide a new team member with “in-dash” feedback on social messaging they have composed

30.) Hootsuite Organizations is:

  • a tool for collaborating as a team to manage social media activities
  • a network of partner companies who make apps for the Hootsuite platform
  • a consulting service provided by Hootsuite to Enterprise clients
  • the Hootsuite umbrella company
  • a consortium of companies who own the internet

29.) Team Admins can do things like:

  • edit team settings and add or remove team members and social networks
  • Add Social Networks, handle billing, add new members to the Organization
  • change Plan Type, remove employees from the org structure, grant Admin status to other Team Admins
  • handle billing, control all permissions settings, and grant super admin status to other members of the organization

28.) The majority of employees in your Hootsuite Organization will have ‘default’ permissions, which means:

  • they are not able to manage the structure of the Organization
  • they are able to manage the structure of the Organization
  • they’ve been granted the ability to customize their own permission settings
  • they are able to add Super-Admins and Admins to the structure

27.) When using the Overview module to learn about your metrics data, it automatically analyzes BOTH the time period you select AND the corresponding time period before that. For example, if you select the previous 7 days, Overview will automatically pull data from the previous 14 days. Why would this be a benefit?

  • To provide an estimate of future trends
  • To put your analytics results in a more historical perspective
  • To make it easier to generate ROI reports for key stakeholders
  • This is not a feature of Overview

26.) With Hootsuite’s Mobile App you can share ______________ with teams, which allows everyone to monitor the same social feed and see which messages have been responded to and by whom.

  • Engagement Streams
  • Message Approvals
  • The Publisher
  • Content Library
  • Campaigns

25.) The number of social networks a user can add to Hootsuite is:

  • variable, depending on plan type
  • 50, regardless of plan type or user
  • 20, regardless of plan type or user
  • unlimited for all users

24.) Which one of the following is not an option in the compose box?

  • Suggested Content Scheduling
  • Bulk-uploader
  • Auto-schedule
  • Manually schedule
  • Using the View Date in Publisher button

23.) What are two reasons why it’s important to share your Hootsuite Analytics data with other members of your team?

  • To fine-tune your team’s social media tactics to do more of what’s working
  • to supply colleagues with data required for Bulk Uploader entries
  • to provide more accurate geo-location search results in Engagement streams
  • to provide colleagues with relevant content to publish with the Compose Box
  • to demonstrate the ROI of your social media efforts to more senior leadership in your company

22.) _______ are created under ________, similar to how you create individual files within a broader file folder

  • Streams, Tabs
  • Tabs, Streams
  • Engagements, Publisher
  • Libraries, Engagement
  • Arrows, Columns

21.) ___________ allow you to track and monitor social activity around certain keywords, phrases and even specific users or locations.

  • Internal Tags
  • Analytics
  • Search streams
  • Plug-Ins
  • Comment Streams

20.) A content team (e.g., blog team) might find it useful to create a Custom Board in Hootsuite Analytics with widgets displaying how the content they are producing is resonating with the target audience. So, you might include metrics like:

  • brand conversation by country, # of published tweets, # of LinkedIn status updates
  • pick up time, handling time, resolution time
  • share of voice, follower growth, recent posts, overall post volume
  • first response time, first response time by team, shortened links, total clicks
  • total clicks, clicks by country, or reaction topic

19.) When using Hootsuite’s Bulk Scheduling feature, all messages must be scheduled at least _______ minutes ahead of when you plan to import the .csv file into Hootsuite.

  • 90
  • 10
  • 30
  • 2

18.) Unlike the Overview, which offers one set of aggregated analytics data, ___________________ allows you to run an unlimited number of customizable and shareable real-time analytics reports, dialed precisely to the diverse reporting needs of your organization.

  • the Metrics module in Hootsuite Social Data
  • the Insights feature of Hootsuite Analytics
  • the Social Data feature in Hootsuite Insights
  • the Analytics module in Hootsuite Metrics
  • the Boards feature within Hootsuite Analytics

17.) When selecting a campaign type in Hootsuite Campaigns, you’d use____________________ to engage fans and acquire email leads with an attractive prize, and ____________________ to simply get people to sign up for a special event, newsletter, or special offer.

  • Sign Ups, Like Gate/Age Gate
  • Offers, Forms
  • Social Promotions Builder, Social Media Campaigns Builder
  • Social Sweepstakes, Sign Ups
  • Social Sweepstake, Entry Form

16.) _______________ is a tool within Hootsuite that searches the web for content relevant to your interests that can be subsequently shared across your social accounts.

  • Suggestions
  • Content Library
  • Hootlet
  • Conversations
  • Insights

15.) When using an RSS feed within Hootsuite, you can limit the amount of content being automatically pushed out to your followers by:

  • turning on the Approvals Queue, which would require Admin approval of each RSS Feed post
  • specifying under Preferences —->RSS Feed the audience types who should
  • receive the RSS feed updates (e.g., by age, gender, occupation, etc)
  • setting the frequency that Hootsuite checks for new content to once a day, rather than once an hour
  • specifying under Preferences —->RSS Feed the topics/formats you’d like excluded

14.) Hootsuite Publisher is an area of the dashboard that gives Social Media Managers:

  • the ability to schedule posts to multiple networks, and then review, revise, rearrange, and export them
  • insights into publishing analytics, such as click throughs, impressions, and CPCs
  • metrics data around social messaging activities
  • the ability to publish directly to popular blog platforms, such as WordPress, Medium, LinkedIn, and Tumblr

13.) To find all mentions of your competitor’s branded hashtag within a given radius of a store you’ve opened up in a new city, you should:

  • set up a geo-search stream, filtered by the hashtag AND the desired radius around the geocode for the new store
  • create a private Twitter List for your competitor and filter the search results by Followers AND branded hashtag
  • compose a geo-targeted message, filtered by the hashtag AND the desired radius around the geocode for the new store
  • set up a geo-search stream, filtered by competitor’s Twitter handle AND the city in which your your new store is located

12.) Clicking the Settings Icon in Hootsuite Campaigns let’s you specify things like how often people can submit entries. When you’re getting started, a good rule of thumb is to:

  • Hootsuite Campaigns sets this number automatically for you; it’s not user-specifiable
  • let people submit only one entry for the life of the campaign; allowing more may put you in breach of a social network’s Terms of Service agreement
  • let people cast one entry per day; this will keep dedicated fans coming back, without overwhelming the campaign
  • let people submit as many entries as they wish; this will engage your most motivated contestants

11.) Hootsuite’s mobile app let’s you see all the posts you’ve scheduled and adjust publishing times to fine tune how you’re targeting your audience. You can access this functionality in the ___________

  • Teams and Assignments
  • Streams
  • Publisher
  • Search and Settings
  • Compose Box

10.) It’s important to consider adjusting a user’s Social Network permissions (or access) because:

  • it allows customer service queries to be ‘auto-assigned’ to the relevant team
  • you may not want every team or member to have access to every social network
  • it’s a required step for posting anything to a social network
  • without it, the network won’t appear in the Social Profile Picked in the Compose Box

9.) There are several ways you can schedule messages in Hootsuite. Which of the following doesn’t belong?

  • From within the Compose Box (manual and auto-schedule)
  • Using the bulk uploader
  • From within the calendar view in the Publisher
  • From the drop down menu in a search stream

8.) When using the Instagram integration for Hootsuite, why might you want to set up a search stream for certain user profiles?

  • so you can frequently and easily engage with key influencer’s content and potentially draw their attention back to your profile
  • to publicly display that you’ve included them in an Instagram List – which can be helpful for forging connections with key influencers
  • to keep track of who has unfollowed you
  • so you can track the conversations happening in your area and efficiently connect with potential new customers
  • you cannot search by Instagram user profile in Hootsuite, only location, hashtag, and search term/phrase

7.) When composing a tweet with images attached in Hootsuite, bear in mind that ___ characters are used up by the photos

  • 24
  • 240
  • 5
  • 100

6.) When assigning an incoming Facebook comment to a team member for a response, why might you want to include a personalized note with the assignment? (pick two)

  • A team member needs to press ‘Accept’ to an accompanying personalized note in order for it to enter into their queue
  • To explain to a team member why you chose them to handle it
  • You aren’t able to provide personalized notes along with an Assignment
  • To give context about the incoming comment (e.g., that it’s a complaint from a well known customer)

5.) Hootsuite Mobile gives you access to:

  • Publisher, Comments, Compose Box, Search, Insights
  • Streams, Campaigns, Search, Insights, Settings
  • Publisher, Streams, Campaigns, Insights, Settings
  • Streams, Content Library, Insights, Search and Settings
  • Streams, Publisher, Compose box, Search and Settings

4.) A Board has a flexible, interactive interface into which you can drag and drop an unlimited number of:

  • trendwatchers, which are pre-set displays of Line Charts, Tables, and TreeMaps
  • overviews, which are pre-set collections of metrics data
  • campaigns, each of which are targeted at a social media objective or goal
  • Widgets/Metrics, which are individual displays of a specific metric
  • templates, which are individual displays of a specific metric

3.) By setting a team member’s permissions to ‘Can Edit’ on a Board in Hootsuite Analytics, you are granting them:

  • full editing rights to that Board
  • ‘Can Edit’ is not a valid setting for Boards
  • partial editing rights
  • Team Admin level permissions for that Board
  • Admin level permissions for that Board

2.) Publisher’s calendar view is especially useful for:

  • monitoring whether a customer service query has been addressed
  • seeing all your scheduled posts in a single list
  • approving messages composed by team members
  • identifying gaps in your publishing schedule

1.) Which one of the following is not a use case for the Hootsuite Organizations feature?

  • Control off-brand communications
  • Plan the content publishing schedule in a calendar format
  • Limit access to social network passwords
  • Facilitate team collaboration to address customer feedback on social media
  • Specify what actions team members have permission to perform in Hootsuite