Fundamentals for Audiences Exam Answers

Fundamentals For Audiences Assessment Answers
Fundamentals For Audiences Exam Answers

Learn why it’s important to segment your traffic and use AdWords to better reach different customers depending on where they are in the purchase journey.

Learn Why We Segment Users

  1. What are audiences and segmentation?
    Learn how to choose who sees a specific ad with AdWords.
  2. Learn why we segment users
    You can change how you bid, customize your ads, and try new ways to reach a specific audience.

Segment Users based on Marketing Goals (2 Examples)

  1. Segment users to drive online sales
    Learn how to segment audiences based on the online purchase journey.
  2. Segment users to drive leads
    Learn how to segment audiences in lead generation based on the sales process.

Segment Users based on Their Data

  1. Segment users based on their data
    Learn how to use data people have shared with you to remarket to them with Customer

1.) What AdWords feature lets you use your customer relationship management (CRM) technology or email data about your customers?

  • Customer Match
  • Remarketing
  • Gmail Ads
  • Dynamic Search Ads

2.) If you’re trying to drive leads, which option below is the best way to reach different audiences?

  • One list for each step of the sales process
  • One list for each form on the website
  • One list for each week of the month
  • One list for each customer

3.) What’s another term for a segment of users?

  • Audience
  • Interest
  • Ad group
  • Cookie

4.) Which of these is the best option to segment your customer relationship management (CRM) data to reach different audiences?

  • By different user behaviors and characteristics
  • By the product pages of your website
  • By people with email addresses and those without
  • By users you’ve met at a trade show and those who’ve never attended one

5.) Why would you want to increase your bids for an audience?

  • The audience has a higher conversion rate than other visitors to your website.
  • The audience has a lower conversion rate than other visitors to your website.
  • To try to show your ads in lower positions in the search results.
  • You can’t change your bids for an audience.

6.) If you’re trying to drive online sales, which of these users likely has the highest chance of returning to your website?

  • Someone who has added something to his or her cart
  • Someone who has visited your home page
  • Someone who has visited various product pages
  • Someone who has never been to your site before