Customer Match Exam Answers

Customer Match Assessment Answers
Customer Match Exam Answers

Learn how to use Customer Match to reach customers using data that you share with Google, including how to upload your data, set bids, and combine Customer Match with other features.

Learn What You Can Do with Customer Match

  1. What’s Customer Match?
    Learn how to use Customer Match to show ads to people who have shared their email addresses with you.
  2. Set bids for Customer Match
    Learn how to set bid adjustments to reach more people using Customer Match.
  3. Try new keywords with audiences
    Learn how to increase the chances your ads will reach more people by using Customer Match to test new keywords and match types.
  4. Show custom ads to your audiences
    Learn how to tailor your ads to customers based on how you collected their email addresses and where they are in the purchase journey.

Create and Apply Customer Match

  1. Checkbox empty
    Reach customers on YouTube and Gmail
    Learn how to use similar audience targeting based on your Customer Match audiences.
  2. Upload customer data
    Learn how to upload customer data files and manage your Customer Match audiences.
  3. Add audiences to search campaigns
    Learn how to add Customer Match audiences to your ad groups and campaigns.
  4. Set how you reach your audiences
    Learn the difference between the “Bid only” and “Target & bid” settings, which determine the reach of your ads.
  5. Review Customer Match policies
    Learn Google’s policies and processes around how your customer data is collected and shared.

Optimize Customer Match

  1. Measure how your audiences perform
    Learn how to use the data from your Customer Match campaigns to improve performance.
  2. Summarize your Customer Match data
    Learn how to report on the ways Customer Match can help you reach people who’ve shared personal information, like an email address, with you.
  3. Use Customer Match with other features
    Learn how to combine Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) and ad extensions with Customer Match to reach more customers.

1.) You want to see some initial data for your audience targeting before deciding to increase bids. What’s the best way to do this?

  • Add audiences to your ad groups without a bid adjustment.
  • Add audiences to all your ad groups with a -100% bid adjustment.
  • Add audiences to all your ad groups with a +100% bid adjustment.
  • There isn’t a way to get this type of data.

2.) You want to grow how you use Customer Match to show ads based on your customer data. What else can you try in AdWords?

  • Similar audiences
  • Demographic targeting
  • Interest targeting
  • Display audiences

3.) You want to show ads for more searches done by members of your loyalty program. What feature can you combine with Customer Match to do this?

  • Dynamic Search Ads
  • Remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA)
  • Display remarketing
  • Ad extensions

4.) In order to compare the performance of your audience with all other visitors, you added them as an audience to several ad groups with the setting “Bid only” without any bid adjustments. What’s the first step to understanding the conversion rate differences?

  • Compare the conversion rate differences between your audience data and all data for each ad group.
  • Compare the conversion rate differences for all keywords in each ad group.
  • Compare the conversion rate differences for your audience data for each ad group.
  • Compare the conversion rates for all ad groups.

5.) You want to understand the performance differences between all site visitors and members of your audience before making bid adjustments. What settings should you use to gather this information?

  • “Bid only” without any bid adjustment
  • “Target & bid” without a bid adjustment
  • “Bid only” with a +100% bid adjustment
  • “Target & bid” with a -100% bid adjustment

6.) Your client or manager is worried that uploading customer’s email addresses can unsafely expose the information. What can you do before you upload the email addresses to protect the information?

  • Hash the emails
  • Delete the files
  • Tag the emails
  • Delete your audience data

7.) You want to re-engage customers who haven’t bought from you in over a year with a special offer. What can you do?

  • Use Customer Match to show ads to an email list for customers who haven’t bought from you in over a year. Copy your search campaign. Use the “Target & bid” setting. Create ads that include the special offer.
  • Use Customer Match to show ads to an email list for customers who haven’t bought from you in over a year. Copy your search campaign. Use the ‘”Bid only” setting. Create ads that include the special offer.
  • Use Customer Match to show ads to an email list for customers who haven’t bought from you in over a year. Change the ads in all your search campaigns to include the special offer.
  • Use remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA) to show ads to an email list for customers who haven’t bought from you in over a year. Copy your search campaign. Use the “Target & bid” setting. Create ads that include the special offer.

8.) How many matching email addresses must you have to enable Customer Match in AdWords?

  • 1,000
  • 500
  • 100
  • 50

9.) You’d like to show different ads based on the actions someone has taken on our website. What’s one course of action?

  • Duplicate your current campaign for each audience. Customize your ads based on what you’d like someone to do next.
  • Duplicate your current campaign and increase your bids for each audience.
  • Use ad customizers to change the ads.
  • Add a new ad group for each audience and duplicate your ads across each ad group.

10.) Your goal is to match your ads to more searches done by previous website visitors. You’ve created an audience consisting of all previous website visitors and added it to an ad group. What setting should you use so that only members of this list can see the ads associated with the keywords in your ad group?

  • “Target & bid”
  • “Bid only”
  • Neither
  • Both

11.) Your company offers many different insurance types. Which of the following would be the most compelling ad line to show to users who have a policy with your company and are searching for another type of insurance that you offer?

  • Save 10% on bundled policies.
  • Buy your next insurance package from us.
  • Show the person’s name in the headline.
  • You can’t customize ads in this manner.

12.) How can you use Customer Match on Gmail and YouTube to reach customers?

  • You can reach people that match your customer data and adjust your bids.
  • You can reach anyone that’s been to your website before.
  • You can match customers across Gmail and YouTube and send them offline discounts.
  • You can show video ads to people on Gmail.

13.) You are marketing a software where you’d like visitors to first download a whitepaper and then start a free trial. You’ve duplicated your keywords into a new campaign and changed the ads to encourage those who’ve already downloaded the white paper to start a trial. How would you measure the success of this strategy?

  • Examine the conversion rates for your free trial from both campaigns and see if the campaign with the customized ads promoting the free trial perform better.
  • Examine the conversion rate increases for the account to see if more people are downloading your whitepaper.
  • Examine the conversion rates for your new campaign to see if they are in line with your account goals.
  • You can’t measure this type of experiment with remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA).