Choose the Right Mobile Asset Exam Answers

Choose The Right Mobile Asset Assessment Answers
Choose The Right Mobile Asset Exam Answers

Learn how to choose the right mobile assets for your company. See how mobile sites and apps can benefit your company and get an introduction into what it takes to create effective mobile asset strategy. Take all the courses, pass the Assessment, and earn an Achievement to display on your profile.

Choose The Right Mobile Asset Courses

  1. Overcome common mobile-1st barriers
    Explore what to consider before creating your mobile site or app strategy
  2. Do you want a mobile site or app?
    Learn which mobile presence option best drives your goals
  3. Design great mobile sites
    Learn how to make a good, fast mobile site experience
  4. Design great mobile apps
    Here are some design tips to help you make appealing and effective apps
  5. See mobile sites and apps in action
    Learn how three leading brands successfully used mobile assets

1.) Which is a good app design practice?

  • Make previous searches and recent purchases readily available.
  • Get users to enter valuable user profile information immediately when they first open the app.
  • Don’t interrupt users when they make mistakes completing forms, wait until they submit and provide a single report with all errors.
  • Zoom viewers in automatically for app content you know is most important.

2.) A newer kind of mobile site can do a lot of what only apps used to do, so the line has blurred between sites and apps. What are these sites called?

  • Progressive Web Apps
  • Mobile Site Apps
  • Enhanced Mobile Sites
  • Progressive Sites

3.) Why should you build a mobile site or app instead of just resizing your desktop site for a smaller screen?

  • Desktop sites typically don’t load quickly on mobile devices.
  • Mobile users don’t need all the features a website can offer.
  • Mobile browsers aren’t powerful enough to load most desktop sites.
  • It’s a cheap way to provide a narrower set of options to mobile customers.

4.) Which is not a good app design practice?

  • Don’t automatically show the search field, make it optional.
  • Show the value of your app up-front.
  • Allow users to go back easily in one step.
  • Create frictionless transitions when going between app and mobile web.

5.) All of these were recommended to help build a faster site except?

  • Customer surveys about site performance
  • Optimized content delivery
  • Site works on a range of screens and devices
  • Implementation of AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) best practices Implementation of AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) best practices

6.) Which asset model would you recommend to a company who already has a successful mobile site?

  • Site and app model
  • Site-first model
  • App-centric model
  • Audience asset model

7.) You’ve been given free reign to create a mobile-first campaign and a healthy budget to invest in mobile assets.

What are the first steps you should take to get started?

  • Take the time to really understand your audience and investigate all of mobile’s unique capabilities to see what would best help reach your audience.
  • Put all of your money into a gaming app because research shows how successful they can be. If done properly, you’re certain to reach new customers.
  • Do your own version of an award-winning, mobile-first campaign. If the campaign was successful for that business, it’ll definitely work for yours.
  • Incorporate an app-centric model into your strategy and find the brightest marketing graduates to make your campaign happen.

8.) Which is not a common barrier for mobile-first companies?

  • Consumers only want to make purchases on a desktop computer and site
  • High abandonment rate of apps after users have downloaded them
  • Targeting the wrong customers with your mobile assets
  • Failing to align business decisions to a mobile-first strategy

9.) These are all key to good mobile site design except?

  • Easy user customization
  • Easy navigation
  • Easy search
  • Easy conversion

10.) Your friend has an jewelry business and just created an app that had dismal downloads during its first month.

What advice should you give to get the app back on track?

  • Take another look at her customers’ behaviors by reviewing all the data she already has and maybe doing some more research to better understand what they would respond to.
  • Tell her to wait for six months and then re-evaluate. Maybe her customers will come around and eventually find the app. Just be patient and see what happens because there is no need to invest anymore.
  • Suggest that she re-focus her app marketing to brand new customers. Improve the app with more professional photos and use social media and earned media to promote it.
  • Recommend that she hire a consultant who could help her change her retail business into a completely online one. Customers will have to use the app to buy her products and she could save money on retail space.